JOURNAL: BasharOfTheAges (Justin Corriveau)

  • woo 2010-03-21 19:54:07 In at sakuracon - watched some of the finalists and i don't know how to feel

    In at Anime Boston. They chopped the Fun/Upbeat/Other category into 2 separate categories this year. I don't know any videos other than mine that are in Fun/Upbeat for sure, but there's one I highly suspect.

    Waiting on the other 2 cons.

    @driftroot - why aren't you coming to AB this year? 
  • Done! 2010-03-04 17:49:14 Video - finished.
    Submissions - Sent.
    Now to wait weeks for finals notifications. 
  • 2010-02-28 22:10:33 Time line is full. Few more tweaks and the 720p goodness will be ready. 
  • yay 600! 2010-02-28 12:07:50 Now back to figuring out what this last bit wants. I almost wish I could scrub footage and listen to an audio loop in Premiere at the same time. I suppose I could always export that segment of the song and have it play in something else though...

    <time passes>

    It wants layers. It wants complexity. It wants various degrees of internal and external sync simultaneously. That really complicates things - it's quite divergent from the rest of the vid in terms of style. Perhaps my old ideas of brushstroke scene painting might actually work. 
  • 3 off from hitting that 600 mark i was looking at a month ago... 2010-02-27 20:12:07 Half a minute of really high-energy stuff to go. Deadline in a week. No real resolution planned for this vid. Talking in sentence fragments. oh noes. 
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 23:55:31