BasharOfTheAges (Justin Corriveau)
normally wouldn't do this, but it's looking sad.
2010-01-26 18:43:17
Chii: I'd take some time off. Take A class or something (may I suggest an art theory one? XD ). There's a lot of people here that like to debate, and to really debate well, you need to remove yourself and your feelings from it. If you can't do that, the best thing is to not participate. This goes for anyone that sees drama everywhere they look. Sometimes debate and heated discussion are enjoyable things. If they're not your cup of tea, i'd say avoid them and avoid most online communities as they all tend to have debate and discussion that sometimes peeks somewhat aggressively.
2010-01-24 22:13:20
Semi-final download surge go!
Here's to breaking 600 in the next week.
I have no illusions of going any further. Even with half the category not actually being comedy (or funny) there are definitely still a good 5 that stomp me anyways. My bet's on doki. If you'd have told me 10 years ago I'd be in a contest with him i'd have said you were crazy.
2009-05-10 17:27:34
I can has ACEN results?
Nobody Rearry Understands Me
2008-04-09 23:21:03
my hearts... they're made of cardboards...
my star scale ratings... they're made of fail and less than my crappy first vids.
That's what 4GB of RAM and a core2Duo will get ya.
2007-09-14 16:45:51
So apparently even with a minor filter chain to clean up the imperfections, I can still transcode entire episodes to HuffYUV in VDubMod in under 20 min without enabling any sort of multi-thread support.
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 05:44:33