JOURNAL: BasharOfTheAges (Justin Corriveau)

  • 2007-09-01 07:17:01 So, my HDD replacement came in yesterday and i got it in and formatted last night. With the external i now have over 1 TB of storage space across 4 drives. The new drive cut my airflow back a bit and i'm running a tad warmer because of it. CPU is idling at around 1 degree hotter than i'm used to (41/42 instead of 40/41) and the new HDD is showing up as 6 degrees warmer than the other 2. Nothing to worry about i'd think, just an odd occurrence i noticed. 
  • It's the Final Countdown!!! 2007-08-27 21:06:06 It's my last night at work for the summer - and as i'm not going to be a student next summer it's my last night here at this job for good. Decent pay, interesting people, not a lot of stress most of the time... it's been fun. 
  • What has science done?!?!?! 2007-08-26 22:59:49 I just got done eating a pluot that a co-worker gave me. A pluot is a cross between a plum and an apricot. It tastes interesting.

    Also, didn't sleep well, been up since noon, and i don't get to go to bed until 7 AM. Tonight is already starting to suck. 
  • oh what the FUCK!!! 2007-08-23 22:25:44 Seems one package going out (NewEgg RMA) was lost somewhere and one coming in (battery charger for my laptop) was either not delivered to the right place or stolen. I don't have time to deal with this shit. I need to go back to school in a week and a half. 
  • I quit WoW 2007-08-23 19:53:45 Acount expires today - This way I can focus on the assload of editing I have to do this year and that whole "finish my degree and secure myself a decent job" thing.

    Also, dokool got me that Polysics DVD so I can start working on my I My Me Mine vid. I'm thinking of checking out Poser and comparing it to Blender in terms of moving self-made characters around. If I can pull this off I have no doubt it'll shake the whole AMV world as much as Koop did in 2003. 
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