BasharOfTheAges (Justin Corriveau)
2007-08-22 19:59:54
In the last 12 hours I've found 2 things out about school - First, they're offering a graduate class this fall fthat has to do with video encoding and video streaming. I sent the professor running it an email asking for more info. I really hope there aren't a bunch of prereqs for the course.
2nd thing: I went to look for our undergrad calender for when Incomplete assignments (like the one i've been stressing over reciently) are due... 21st of fucking November. I'm still going to work my ass off to make sure i get most/all of it done in the next week or 2, but damn that much time is outrageous.
i'm not even supposed to be here today.
2007-08-20 20:38:38
Got called in to work on my night off... And i was in the middle of getting my C++ compiler all set to handle my GLUT code for that project i've been putting off all summer too.
there i made a thread about it...
2007-08-19 22:41:38
2007-08-19 05:56:54
Fuck. What did I do? O.o
hmmmm... almost 2k dls on Genkaiten
2007-08-19 00:21:35
So, I know we have percentile rankings for total stars and star scale averages and whatnot, but i was always curious as to how many downloads was "a lot" here. I'd make a thread, but it seems to be "uncool" to show that you give a shit and the whole thing would be mired in "why do you care" posts. Is 2,000 a lot? ::shrug::
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