JOURNAL: BasharOfTheAges (Justin Corriveau)

  • I need to think more... 2005-07-04 01:22:56 Well, I have some free time again at work, so here it goes…

    I finally got around to putting my Kakashi costume up on [ ] and asked for critiques on the forum there. I really need a few more pictures of it and I think I’m getting some very good advice on things I didn’t even think about yet with what I have so far. Here’s to hoping I can get the costume fixed in the coming year!

    Well, I’m still waiting for both of the packages I mentioned before. Nothing much more to say about it than “WTF! Where are they?!?” they should both be in by Wednesday I hope.

    I figured out about an hour or so ago that I’m missing 4 Ops through Opinion exchange (if I counted correctly). Well, one I understand. I haven’t had a chance to give Mckeed an op for his exchange one, but I believe 3 people that owe me ops are either behind or have just blown me off… I’ll give everyone another week or so then call them on it. It’s no big deal, but I have absolutely nothing else AMV related to talk about right now o.o;;

    Wow… I seem to be at an utter loss of things to say right now. I guess that’s it. L
  • I really can't come up with titles for all of these 2005-07-01 03:53:05 Well, what the hell… I’m bored at work and figured I’d write some more in here; this is getting to be a habit now – much like my forum addiction I experienced for about a month this year at school, except I do this because I have nothing to do instead of doing it out of an unhealthy compulsion (at the expensive of doing stuff like showering or homework).

    I’m trying to figure out why I can only seem to get up the mood for making a vid when I simply can’t. I’m always doing something else when the urge to edit strikes. Right now for instance. I’d love to go clip hunting for a good 5 hours for my next vid. And I know that’s the part that I’ll never be able to cut down the time on. TFD took me 55+ hours to do. Know what a bulk of that time was spent doing? Finding clips I thought worked. I found a good 8GB worth of them and I still had at least 2 spots in that vid that looked like I was really stretching it. All that clip hunting takes the desire out of the project for me. I know I have to do it and I have to do it WELL, as it’s the basis for a good video (something I think a lot of people don’t seem to realize) but it tends to cap my creative juices. Perhaps I’ll spend a few hours here and there putting clips aside when I have no creative urges and work from those when the time comes (assuming I can free some HDD space to do so). Knowing Premiere a little better now, I think I can pull out my next vid in less than 30 hours total; maybe use some effects that people will actually notice (TFD had too many effects that I think went completely unnoticed because of the filtering I put it through after export). I’m still amazed at people like OtakuForLife, that can pump out videos in like 8 hours every other week or so. His catalogue is getting so damn big; I can’t keep up with it. I swear he must not sleep or do anything non-AMV related.

    I noticed that I have a few hits on this thing already. Hopefully some of you are enjoying my nonsense. I actually though nobody read journals that weren’t filled with morose angst, moronic assholes, or myopic arrogance. I’ll be quite pleased, however, if my mindless anecdotes provide anyone with any amount of merry amusement.

    (yea… the last one sounded a bit strained to me too)  
  • gha! a gelatinous cube!!! 2005-06-30 22:48:31 Well, I figure I should put up a small update and throw around a few more things today… not that much is going on though…

    I’m still waiting for my 2 packages to come in the mail (AMA prize and a bag of dice). It’s like a little ritual now. Every afternoon I get up (around 3:00PM) and wistfully check my front hall / living room for packages and then hang my head dejectedly when I come to the realization that nothing is there. I’m usually not awake enough to care that much, so when I finally come to (by 6:00, when I go to work), I figure, well... they’ll probably come tomorrow.

    My mind often wanders at work, and since I forgot my GBA SP at home today and I’ve listened to all the BoA, Orange Range and The Pillows I can stand this week my head was in over drive. Working in some of these buildings gets a bit creepy at night and I often can’t hear noises like people coming in doors over other noises like air pressure valves, machinery, and other noises I classify as “unknown.” That said, I’m sometimes a bit jumpy (the whole reason I tend to listen to music a lot at work and not a whole lot anywhere else). Now I’ve been hearing this odd gurgling noise a lot at work lately. It’s kind of a deep growling with a watery sound to it. It puzzled me for the longest time. Yesterday I came up with the idea that it was quite possible that all the work I do here in the gelatin plant is simply a cover for the thing that makes the real gel. It may sound odd, but there is a cordoned off room made of boards and various degrees of opaque plastics that is about 15 feet high and just as long/wide. A 15 foot cube area with caution tape and signs everywhere saying you need special clearance to open and enter the tiny door placed about 5 feet off the ground on one side. It is my suspicion that we have captured, confined, and sedated a gelatinous cube and are milking it for our product. It explains all the odd noises and the fleeting glimpses of shadowy figures I get from time to time (those I believe to be it’s caretakers that grab the rats around the buildings to feed it). I plan to further investigate the cube, but I must be quiet about it, lest the learn I have become privy to their secret.

    I realized that I should probably put something AMV related in here from time to time since the great people at the org are giving me this space to do with as I please. I’ve been really slacking lately. I tried to take part in AMV Hell 3/0 but between complete lethargy, computer problems (my hard drive wants me to format it all the time), work, sleep, sickness, and difficulty in producing anything of quality, I got one video done, but the problems I had with it make not worth submitting. I truly think I should start on my next project soon, but I need to regain my drive. Perhaps after a while I’ll take my aborted AMV hell segments and slap something together (“a complete and utter AMV hell rip-off”), with Zarrax’s approval of course :). My next official project will probably be my “I Do I Do I Do love Yuri” vid. I figure romance my work for me… especially romance with comedic innuendo. After that, who knows.. I might do a 2nd vid before I go to Japan… I might not. My editing is slow but I think I can produce enough if I practice some more. Maybe I’ll be in the top 10% some day… heh… 
  • Various topics on 6/29 2005-06-29 21:10:08 So, I’ve been sick with what I was told was a “bad cold” for about 3 to 4 days now. It seemed a hell of a lot worse that that to begin with (sinus pressure that was so bad my EYES started hurting) and now I get to work with all this tasty side-effect inducing medicine in me. Now, I wasn’t sure what I took the other day that knocked me out in 25 minutes flat; I had assumed it was the combination of cough syrup with codeine, Benadryl allergy pills, or the 400mg of aspirin, but I guess just the allergy medicine has the power to make me drowsy after sleeping something like 40 hours in the last 3 days. I just hope I don’t fall asleep at work; that would set a bad precedent for me.

    I work in a gelatin processing factory from about 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM 3 to 4 days a week during the summer. The pay is good, but the odd hours kick my ass.
    *END INFO*

    I’m still waiting for my AMA prize to come in the mail. I won 3rd in comedy with TFD and I neither know what’s coming nor when it should arrive. To tell the truth, I think waiting is making me more excited to see what I actually won although I know 3rd place in a category that held just 6 entrants isn’t something that should warrant anything of value. On the topic of waiting for packages, I just got an email today that said my 1lb bag of dice should be coming in the mail any day now. My inner geek is bouncing off the walls with excitement while I sit here half asleep typing my fingers to the bone. The odd thing is, I really don’t game that often. I just started playing D&D at school in like October. I think the reason I bought them is because I hate having to borrow dice from people and I keep creating characters that need large numbers of dice to operate properly… And I want to have a huge number of dice. I’m thinking I’ll need a new dice bag soon though. Right now I’m using the bag my Chopper-in-a-bag One Piece plushy came in. It’s ridiculously cute, but rather small. And I think a few of the guys I play with are starting to question my sexuality when I bring it to games o.o;;

    I recently started to look for information on building an editing super computer. Now, it’s important to note, I know little about hardware so I’m relying primarily on the advice of others to figure out how things should work together, how much I should be expecting to pay, and basic brand reliability information. The first component I figured I should look into was a motherboard, since it’s the basis for the whole damn machine and all. My idea was to look for boards with dual processor support (making it, by definition, a super computer). After I posted a thread on the video hardware board, I spoke to a few friends that build systems from time to time and tend to know a little something about the hardware side of things. My results yielded info about AMD Opteron dual core processors, and one of my replies on the forum pointed me to a site that specialized in multiple processor motherboards. I did some research on my own (for prices) and I think I may have found a few motherboards that work for me (support for 2 dual-core processors, 16GB of RAM, and an insane amount of expandability). My target price should be around $2000+ though, and I’m okay with that. It’s not that I want to edit super-fast, I just want to have a bunch of programs running at the same time I’m using Premiere or AE and I want to be able to say that my comp still kicks ass 5 years down the road (which it just might). Finding the appropriate processors and RAM will be my next task, but I have plenty of time to do that and I don’t want to get too far into the planning stage before my financial situation is completely known to me. Right now my mind and my $$ are on my Japan trip in January…

    Well… I did some more research on my Japan trip and I think I may have some sort of idea of the general path it’s going to take and (most importantly) the places I’m going to try to stay at as I make my way across central Japan. Most of my ideas hinge on the assumption that since the airfare package rates that the group I’m looking at are the same out of Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo, it would be possible to arrange that the trip starts in Nagoya (one of the people on the trip has relatives there that might offer us a place to stay for little or no cost to us for a day or two) and ends in Tokyo. I assume that this should be okay, but I have to contact them to find out how their ticket fares work. Right now, it seems like we’ll be staying in the Nagoya area for about 3 or 4 days, going to the Fujigoko (Mt. Fuji area) for a day or two, then spending the remainder of our trip in and around Tokyo. Until I get more feedback from my traveling companions, I really can’t do any sort of scheduling, but the point seems almost moot because all of the damn online bookings for hotels, inns, hostels, etc. don’t seem to work when you put dates in for any time after this year despite the fact that the year dropdown box goes until 2007! It’s odd… these people with me (my friends) want to know how much it’s going to cost, but are hesitant to do the research I asked them to do to figure that very thing out. Hopefully they bring a LOT of money with them then…

    I think that’s about it for today… If I think of anything else, I might post soon in the future, but you never know… 
  • Lets get this journal thing started 2005-06-29 20:03:53 I'm no going to bother with an introduction (my profile can do that for me) and I’m not yet sure the format I’m going to do this whole thing in (post by topic, or by date and separate the topics) but I figure either way, I’ll separate this post from the rest for the sake of looking at it later and laughing at how formal I tried to sound.

    As a note, I’ll try to have a fair amount of AMV stuff going on here as well as the requisite everyday bullshit, info on my planned trip to Japan, stuff about the super editing machine I plan to build in about a year, and any other randomness I think would be fun to throw in. I really miss writing things in general (I’m a CS major that passed out of almost all of my Gen ed requirements through AP credits, so I’m taking all math and CS courses until I blow my brains out in a fit of insanity) so I hope I can at least begin to write something of substantial length here that anyone is free to peruse at their leisure.

    My spelling isn't always that great and I sometimes mistype when attempting to type quickly, so I’ll try to put my entire post through word whenever I can remember to do so. Please don’t remind me to do so unless it becomes too bothersome.

    Lastly, if you read this and find it tolerable or even like it for some twisted reason feel free to let me know through PM... I’m always happy to bring entertainment to anyone willing to listen. ::now, time to hone my razor sharp wit:: 
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