JOURNAL: BasharOfTheAges (Justin Corriveau)

  • @DriftRoot 2012-03-10 14:30:16 :sadface: 
  • @DriftRoot 2012-03-10 11:55:35 You're going to tekko? What a coincidence! 
  • @TritioAFB 2012-02-28 18:50:43 All the different communities may have some differing form of core standards, but I find it's far more likely that they're all just on different phases of the hobby. If you hang around here, for instance, for several years, you can actually see that the org went through several phases where the more vocal members of the community expressed a like for certain things, then those things became too passe or overdone, so new things came up. It's s lot like trends in music, fashion, or any other form of pop culture or art. You have phases, trends, etc. that are as much about the people steering the communities as they are about explicitly (or implicitly) hating the last phase or trend. Visually stunning but emotionally vacant might be in one year and out the next - how long it stays in might have something to do with culture, but all the trends are patterns that can and do change over time. 
  • @driftroot 2012-02-26 05:50:22 Why are you even bothering to make an mpeg2 exactly? Are there really contests worth submitting to that don't take MP4 yet? 
  • @ DriftRoot 2012-02-25 17:02:24 Open zarxgui -> drag and drop video -> default settings for everything but quantizer (set that to 10) -> preset of placebo -> hit encode button.

    That should handle most things. If it doesn't, explain what's wrong. 
Current server time: Dec 29, 2024 02:47:57