JOURNAL: poolfan (Shane H)

  • Hmm..something needs to be filled here 2002-03-17 07:08:27

    the complete set of pics from heeren cosplay 2002. if we want to use any of them, or for the collaboration with the ppl doing the cosplay poster and stuff,try asking the webmaster (Joash) for details

    Weekend updates:

    The half-marathon screening of FULL METAL PANIC at Fengshan cc proved to be an enjoyable experience. Hey, its not too often you get to enjoy an anime series with a large group of anime fans and cosplayers in their full attire in the comfort of a cinematic enviroment.

    I reached there early and went for a quick lunch before joining up with Sephyre. I managed to meet Joash for the first time and saw some famlar faces or rather costumes. Funny how I seem to regconise them by their costmes more than anything else. Woo, somebody cosplayed as the bloke from FFX and my lord, that was waaayyyyy cool. It made Sephyre so jealous that was stomping the ground in anger...just kidding KS ^_-

    The 2:30 screening was delayed by Bryan Wong and their merry gang from channel U. The director ( are they so young these days) was shouting cut repeatedly at every slight mistake that the 'YEAH" from the cosplayers grew thinner at every shout of
    'cut' from the director. Bryan Wong looked genuinely disinterested. What's that scowl Bryan ?? Michelle Chong seems the most lively of the hosts , she even cosplayed for the occasion. Lina Ng...well..she's really pretty up close but VERY VERY skinny.

    Anyway the screening went ahead soon enough and wow...the crowd seem to enjoy it a lot more than anyone could have expected. The crowd was spontaneous with a capital S !! Cheers came everytime Chidori gave Sousuke a trashing. Everything uttered by the poor Sousuke was met with uncontrollable bursts of laughter. Man , i've alredy seem FMP before i came but watching with this crowd made every second worthwhle. And check out the secret episode 8.!! Best anime episode in my book !! No questions abt that. I wished i could film the crowd's reaction during the episode. It was priceless !!!!!

    Sephyre joined MAC at the end of the show. I wondered why i didn. After all these are otakus like myself. Maybe i just find the club too organised. The whole strutural feel to the club will prob make me feel uneasy. Its just me..

    No soccer on Sunday . How sad.

    I got to know this bloke Ivan online who's an Oktaku like myself. We'll been trading anime files for the past week until we found out recently that we stay blocks away from each other and he promised to burn the entire set of X and HIKARU NO GO without any favours in return.What i'll do is leave the blank cds in his letter box and he'll leave the burnt cds in mine.This is too cool for words..i must return the favour ..somehow..

    Finished watching Seisouhen Part 2.



    I regretted watching it. can't end this way even for an OVA. This is hard to believe but i was close to tears in the final scene. My eyes were still dry when Kenshin died in Kaoru's arms but when she pulled back his hair in that gentle manner and saying those words (welcome back, Shinta) , my eyes sytart getting watery. WHAT IS WRONGGG WITH ME ?? This is an anime.. i can't cry over an anime could i ???
    I've never done this ..not even when Tomoe died in the arms of kenshin.
    Not when Vash killed someone . Not when Guts was forced to watch the rape of caska by his best friend and chopping off his own hands to save the inevitable from happening , losing an eye as well in the process as well.

    Credit to the producers .. they did a great job in the emotional aspect but why must it end this way. Hasn't Kenshin suffered enough..?? Wasn;t all he has done enough to atone for his sins?? Its not that he eventually dies that saddedned me ..its the way things have been happening to him... Seeeing that he was weak to the extent of not being able to use his limbs properly saddens me ....all along we have this image that Kenshin was ivincible and this image was been shattered so ruthlessly and mercilessly by the producers that it 's painful. I think ALL Kenshin fans will be hurt by this OVA. Why must it turn out this way ?? (how mnay times have i said this already..hiaz) This OVA IS a mistake...maybe i shld do what Simon Yam did in the show "A date with a vampire' when he turns up at the studio and kills the producer for making a bad ending.

    Yeah , Roger finally passed Endless Waltz and Peacock King vcds. Saw Mingwei for the first time since my ORD. How pple change..i almost couldn't rec him when i saw him like i did when i met Roger for the first time in 3 years. It an amazing and strange feeling..when you see someone everyday..even as he gradually prob wouldn't notice it...but if you meet someone for the first time in 3 or 4 years..the change can be quite shocking and will take some getting used to. The radar gang is a typical example of how a group of people so distinctly different can still get along so well after so many years. After all...i have seen instances when slight disagreement and difference have exploded in big arguements. I know 2 pple (personally) who , after a small disagreement are still loathing the sight of each other ..and that after so mnay years..

    WOOWHAHAHAHAH... MATTE !!! Hondo ni ?? I'm talking serious stuff in a public journal entry ???

    Another Singapore creator?? His nick is aaronlye and i wouldn even know he existed if not for his email. This is great and it looks like he's better than me if his latest vid is anything to go by.

  • The Quater-Life crisis 2002-03-11 03:09:59 Here is stg i am sure most of us go thru at some point of our lives.
    To elaborate on my previous entry:

    They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis." It is when you stop going along
    with the crowd and start realizing that there are a lot of things about
    yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure
    and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because
    you barely know where you are now.

    You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends
    that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people
    you have ever met and the people you have lost touch with are some of the
    most important ones. What you do not realize is that they are realizing
    that too and are not really cold or catty or mean or insincere, but that
    they are as confused as you.

    You look at your job. It is not even close to what you thought you would be
    doing or maybe you are looking for one and realizing that you are going to
    have to start at the bottom and are scared. You miss the comforts of
    college, of groups, of socializing with the same people on a constant
    basis. But then you realize that maybe they weren't so great after all.

    You are beginning to understand yourself and what you want and do not want.
    Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and find
    yourself judging a bit more than usual because suddenly you realize that
    you have certain boundaries in your life and add things to your list of
    what is acceptable and what is not. You are insecure and then secure.

    You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and
    scared and confused. Suddenly change is the enemy and you try and cling on
    to the past with dear life but soon realize that the past is drifting
    further and further away and there is nothing to do but stay where you are
    or move forward.

    You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved could do such
    damage to you or you lay in bed and wonder why you can't meet anyone decent
    enough to get to know better. You love someone but maybe love someone else
    too and cannot figure out why you are doing this because you are not a bad
    person. One night stands and random hook ups start to look cheap and
    getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic.

    You go through the same emotions and questions over and over and talk with
    your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a
    decision. You worry about loans and money and the future and making a life
    for yourself and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd
    just like to be a contender! What you may not realize is that everyone
    reading this relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of
    times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out.

  • Machine and Hakura 2002-03-10 19:29:08 Very interesting train of thoughts.

    Hakura: what you are experiencing is what we call a quater-life crisis. It happens to pple my age.It comes a time when you start to think that ur frens aren't as perfect as you made them out to be. You start to think that you dun know them so well after all. You get confused and hurt that ur frens are going their own ways and no longer as much a part of you as they were in the past. Its normal..i used to feel this way too. But i've accpeted myself as an individual.People are not selfish..they are just being individualistc. And i've acceptd that being individualistic often means that i'll have very few close frens. Say , deciding wtr to watch a movie no longer depends on the number of frens who are going to watch it with me. I feel alone a lot but i've accpeted that its part of life...I still hang ard with frens once a week at least but i know that when they are not there for me, i can be there for myself.

    Machine: You view on a perfect world is almost similar to mine. it's true that if the world is perfect, life would never teach you anything.

    A perfect world is not needed but the illusions of a perfect world is.

    " People who think he exists are lost little lambs who think they are the property of some greater being and they limit themselves to what they can do in this life time. Man reaps what he sows"

    Not everybody has as strong a will as some of us. Not everybody can live as an individual. Some of them need to be guided along. They need to have a GOD to depend on, a reality for them to grasp on. When their world starts breaking down, their perception of GOD as an entity that will help them is sometimes self-achieving in itself GOD will help those who help themselves. Sometimes this simple faith will aid those who have fallen to stand again. I've no religion although i do believe in GOD. My belief in the existence of a GOD is sometimes enough to help me along as strong-willed as i often think i am..i need his help sometimes. I believe in HIM. I do not need to know how HE looks like, what religion he is associated with. All i know/believe is , that he exists
    This is enough for me. I know HE knows me and helps me (when i help myself)

    Glad i made my points. This rambling of mine is strange considering i do not even know you guys and you guys dun even know me.:)
  • Oh's MONDAY so soon ?? 2002-03-10 18:55:17 Had fun at soccer today. Its been 2 weeks since i last played and i was surprised how well i played. My team won 10 - 6 in the end with 9 goals coming from Jason ( a triple hattrick no less) while i chipped in with a goal and 4 assists. I missed a few chances while one-one-one and hit the post twice with a header and a shot from a run which saw me dribble past 4 players (what a waste..that was my moment of the day). This is not my best attacking display as i had to sit deep. I did win some of the tackles today and when i didn, the rest of my teamates were there to cover for me. And it looks quite good team defensive display to stop Jude who, a couple of times fooled me totally wich his deft footwork.We limited Jude to onli 2 goals today and that says a lot.Kelvin was also frustrated that he hitt he post at least 6 times and the fact that the had to try long range shots says stg abt our team's defensive counter attacking style :)Most of Jasons' goals were scored on the counter.
    The real heroes of our team must be Shannon and 'Desailly' even though Jason scored 9 times. They were the Hyypia and Henchoz of our team while Jason was 'owen' ..hehe Hmm me??..i felt like Gerrard today trying all my thru passes and tackling when needed. (Note: all the compairms to epl players were highly exaggerated by abt 100 times) My fitness was def much better too compared to the last 2 months

    TP's having their school holidays this week So why shld we still b working. Its strange to work in a institution where all the staff and students were not ard and yet you are still slogging away. My bosses are not ard today though and finally I can just sit back and relax..and update my journal as well. And finally, I CAN breathe.

    Scryed's starting to look more and more promising. I'm at episode 6 now.

    Just got this mail:

    "I am throwing a AMV dance party on April 20th and I was wondering if I could have your permission to show your video. I also would like to know at what bit rate the audio was encoded. Someone had brought to my attention that some of the videos wouldn't sound to good through the sound system as it is very high-end. The video in particular that I am referring to is your NIGHT OF FIRE video. If possible I would like to know If I could get access to a
    higher quality audio version of this video, or possibly re-encode it with
    higher audio and MTV style credits. Or if you made it off a CD, if you
    could make the audio available to me in a 320 kbit mp3 so that I could just
    re-encode it myself. Either is fine. Thanks for you help."

    The Kusoyaros and Aluminums prob get these mails every now and then but for me its an absolute rarity. Allow me to gloat some more. Hmm now to find a higherquality mp3 for Miko's Night of Fire. Night of Fire is no doubt my most popular vid, it generates the most fan mails (almost as much as the rest of my vids in total), got the GravityZero Vid of the month award , was shown in public at Sim Lim Sqaure and now this. And to think that it was one of my early works. My nwer vids doesn't seem to get half as much raves as NOF

  • Diary of Heeren Cosplay 2002 2002-03-09 07:20:06 Today was quite an eventful day. I was supposed to meet someone early in the morning but i woke up late. Something terrible happened before i woke up. Somehow, i had ripped the pimple from my nose while i was alseep and i was awaken abruptly by the sudden pain. So much blood flowed from the wound that even my t shirt was stained and it all came from a pimple. I had to put this plaster on my nose which looked gruesome to say the least. Had a few interesting dreams but i shall not mention them here.

    Anyway Raymond gave me a lift to Heeren for the cosplay..which is the first time i ever been to an Anime event. On the car we talked quite bit about the future, pros and cons of betting, chewing gum banning and, drugs smuggling. Interesting given that i've never given much thought to these before. Anyway he FINALLY returned me my huge collection of fan-subs. amvs, mtvs and movies. And I FINALLY returned his stuff as well. However i was rather bemused when he insisted that i owed him his Ninja scroll vcds. He was very sure he lended it to me but hey , i downloaded a 500 mb fansub and made a amv out of the crappy footage. Would i have done that if i had original footage of it? His arguement was that he keeps records of everyone who borrowed stuff from him. Anyway we were cool abt it, promising to check for it when we get home. It was a fake promise on my part anyway since i was 100% sure i never got my hands on it.

    Anyway we met up with Thomas, KS and their respective frens whom i have never seen before but hey Thoma's fren (what's his name again? ) has a digital camcorder which we shld have really made full use of. We could have made stg similar to the Ushicon documentary. Not for the public of course, maybe just for our private enjoyment ( hehe). The cosplay was a mess, there wasn't any fixed event or venue to speak of. The cosplayers were appearing everywhere from 1st to 4th floor ( partly due to a lack of space) and Joash left early to attend a wedding so we were basically standing there wondering what to do. Anyway, we took some photos with some of the cosplayers ( 2 bunnies, The 2 cops from 'You are under arrest) , Seta Soujirou, Duo Maxwell , some sailor moon kters, a J rocker from Dir-en Grey and Yui Hongo) and at least we didn leave the event ( i wouldn't call it a con , thats for sure) empty handed

    Then Roger was next to arrive. He was rather shy like Raymond in terms of taking photos with the young uns. Maybe coz they felt paiseh abt taking photos with kids so much younger than them. But not me...the training with Prudential had made me rather thickskinned... hehe and the cosplayers were certainly happy when someone offered to take pictures with them.And i love making pple happy.(smell of hyprocrisy here..) My onli regret was not taking any pics ( the camera's with KS i wished i brought mine ...arghhh)of the angel sancturay cosplayers coz i tot they had the best costumes. Oh well, there's always next time...and with costumes like those..they are prob not going to wear them just once. ..for a cosplay of this proportion anyway. And oh yes Deborah Sim ( Shen YiLing) was the compere and i could keep my eyes off her the first time i saw her. She looks prettier in person i must say since her usual roles on TV (when she was still in TCS) were mostly hmm... not very eye candy. Drats, if i have my camera...she'd be in it.

    Had a little drink with Roger and traded some vcds with him. Then i headed for Suntec city to meet KB for the IT SHOW. Guess what i met my usual soccer buddies on the way and they were making fun of the huge plaster on my nose. Well, i forgot to add that the cosplay was prob the onli time i can have this plaster on my nose and not look out of place. And 'Duo' had the same plaster on her nose as well. I joked that i was prob the onli person there who had a plaster. Anyway we were disappointed by the the fact that the CDRW that we have been eyeing were sold out. And to make it even more frustraing, we had to squeeze thru a crowd that was comparable to the millennium party.The comparism was perhaps over-exagggerated but thats exactely how i felt then.

    And i even met Thomas ( who left early for some impt business) who was surprised to see me since Heeren and Suntec were rather far apart. Looks like he had hoped to pose with 'Alexiel' . Who doesn't ?? The huge feathery wings (how long did she take to make those>??) alone were worthy of a photo.
    Anyway Raymond called me to say that he has found his Ninja scroll vcd... and apologised for over-reacting . Well no harm was done...i tot both of us were rather cool abt it in the first place so there was no need for an apology. Anyway he expressed a slight regret in being too passive and i felt a slight hint that he had wanted to pose with Yui from the way he talked abt her..hmm... no comments here...sorry Ray :P

    KB was talkign abt archmage again ....arghhh KB and his RED DRAGONS, BLACK DEATH and all the nitty gritty fantasy stuff ..this coming from an ex-archmage hardcore fan. Sorry KB :P

    So ends a very hectic day which could be even busier if i had actually woken up early. I 'll Blame it on the burst pimple. :)P.S If you still are reading this..please email me. I'll like to know how you can actually go thru all these crappy stuff without puking.or falling asleep.or maybe you did
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