2004-10-21 21:29:26
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................... how do you view other people's work on here?
I need help!!!!!!!!11
Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!
2004-10-18 22:27:12
Well, I just wanted to introduce myself and my intrests.
First, I ain't telling you my real name 'cause I don't know why. Plus any other info like that
My many alias : YGOartist, YGOwriter, and amybones
Fav bisheouen: SETO KAIBA (he is soooooooooooooooo totally hot!!!!!!!!), Bakura ( I just like evil bishies, o.k.)
Fav books: Harry Potter ( all of them), Lord of the rings.
Fav anime and manga : Yu-Gi-Oh, Card Captor Sakura, Naruto, and Shaman King
Fav movies: All Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, The Goonies, Space Balls, and Spirited Away.
Likes to: draw anime charictors, sleep, set stuff on fire, listen to music, prefurably Japanese theme songs or DDR, saturday morning cartoons (yes I'm a 15 year old who still watches Saturday cartoons and anime. You got a problem with that!!)
Dilikes: school, accedently stumbiling onto SetoXJounuchi yaoi (O.k. in my opinion the only people on Yu-Gi-Oh who are gay are Insector Haga, the Dinosaur dude, Honda, and dice boy who looks like a girl. That's it If you have different opinions, please tell me),School, waking up early, cheerleaders!!!!!!, preps, etc.
I think that's it.
If you want any more info, please comment and I MAY answer it. Okilly Dokilly.
Current server time: Jan 08, 2025 00:36:46