JOURNAL: feiticiera (Brian Abra)

  • 2003-01-20 12:10:47 WOW! it certainly has been a while....:D

    hmmm update... hmmm aright...

    boredom is the feeling i most often feel... life is boring.. anyways... the nitty gritty..

    i have been working on a couple vids... i have a few ideas... very evil ideas ppl are probably gonna hate me for.. but too bad... =P i really wanna finish a vid... but i find it so hard to maintain interest... meh

    my computer is being a bitch.. it likes to crash randomly.. ¬¬ i'll fix you damnit..*shakes fist*

    and i'm moving..:D at the end of this month, to my sisters... i get the basement so it should be saweeet *big grin*

    and i'm 18 now.... =D me likes my new found human powers.... meh

    ok i'm done for now... once again i got bored and didn't know what else to say...=/ 
  • I AM A DEMI-GOD!!!!!!!!!! 2002-10-18 09:49:08 ............

    ok... so that was over exaggerated..... but hey.... i got a half hour sleep last night and a total of four hours in three days...... (>_< damn you premiere).... and i have no life so i'm filling this thing out.....

    forums? meh.... shit happens eh? that's the way it is... ya win some... and you lose some.... SWP/RVP forums? hehehe.... poor bastard server..... *stab* i think i'm gonna go on a rampage of editing...... show you all my l33t nekkid editing skillz.... even though i have none..... or at least that's what the iguanas inside my head say........... ok that just sounds wrong.... and i have a strange pain in my hand.....

    d00d...... i am soooooooooo not gonna say this...... wait..... yeah i am.....


    :P ok my bad.... i meant xeno..... :-D :P

    anywho..... /me goes back to stabbing jail inmates with a cow-prod through a chainlink fence.... :-D MJ:yes you.... 
  • AWA 2002-10-04 14:42:21 well....... it certainly has been a long time since i entered a journal...... hmmmm... oh well....

    i just have to say..... AWA FUCKEN ROCKED!!!!

    ok now.... finally..... i have a computer.... ya ya... lol so now i will be completing my first vid... it will be supreme crap.... but i guess everyone has to start off somewhere.....:P

    i just want to say.... since the forums and i don't get that it was great meeting all you people at AWA.... EK, Rozard, Mexican Junior, Redwolf, David_violence, Absolut3Destiny, Carlos, Sephiroth(issac ficher), the many memebers of nightowl productions, Meri and VegettoEX, Xenodrake, see info for sn, AHHHHHH!!!!!! sooo many names and soo small a memory...... anhow... it was great to meet you all and i look forward to meeting you all next year......

    btw: Rozard: that cookie was the shit bliatch!!

    and btw: bloodyfang.... you better be there next year..... i want to stab your eye out with a spork....... :P

    and to everyone else i may have forgotten...... i am sorry... my mind is not fully functional....errr wait.... not even partially funtional..... o.O i just can't remeber soooo many names..... but it was fun..... and i am soooooooo going back.......

    meh.... i'm hungry and tired...... /me leave fight the mice for food and the homeless people for the best refrigerator box..... :P 
  • 2002-07-14 16:24:12  
  • yes....................! 2002-05-08 11:18:09 The bastard that robbed my place has been arrested. He is in custody right now, but there is no word on where the stolen shit is. The guy(Lee) that did this is going down for a lot of charges; break and enter, at least two theft charges, two theft over a thousand, possesion of a stolen vehicle, possesion of stolen property, (possibly three accounts of sexual harrassment and three accounts of rape). all this is just the stuff we know about. Anyway I just thought I should let you all know.

    Now the more interesting stuff. Last night I went to Devolution's place and he was playing Diablo2. I was in the mood to watch some really bloody gory anime, so I asked him to quit his diablo2-masterings for the time being and play some amv's. He played a bunch with 'Berserk' and 'Evangelion', 'Kenshin' etc. Then I told him I better watch a couple happy vid's, so I don't go out and kill someone when I leave. So we watched 'Odorikuruu', and 'Dancing Stars-Feel the Rhythm'and I felt happy. Don't ask me why I told you all story, I just did. bye for now. 
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 18:25:22