JOURNAL: Atvaark (Ambroise Confetti)

  • Anthem is on its way 2003-11-23 10:25:51 Yesterday I burnt a CD with my last AMV on it ("Anthem", currently unreleased) and gave it to WilLoW who came for the week-end. (This was a great week-end, by the way.)

    If everything's alright, WilLoW and the CD are right now in a train somewhere between Paris and Nice.

    This AMV, like all my others, was made on a Mac (Macs rule). However, the free Mac version of the DivX encoder doesn't allow for encoding the sound. So WilLoW will put the video and the sound together on his PC using VirtualDub. Then he'll upload the file which will be available to the community for download (I think you can expect it in a few days, maybe even today or tomorrow). I hope you'll like it, but I know most of you won't ! ;)

    On next Monday I'm starting to work in Toulouse, France. Then in January I'll start a 6-months mission in California! I have already been abroad (Canada, Japan), but this will be the first time I'm going to the US. I think this will be a great experience. 
  • Thoughts about AniMix and inventivity in the world of AMV 2003-11-11 19:24:18 Just thinkin' about it... Contributing to AniMix (as a creator) is a really positive experience:

    - Your AMV is lost amid more than hundred others, so you HAVE to be creative, because you don't want people watch AniMix and not pay attention to your clip.

    - You CAN be creative since you have at most 30 seconds to realize. You can afford to spend two hours of work on one second of video (and I know what I'm talking about, but that's more four than two hours... that material is currently unreleased though). Of course not on every second. But one AniMix second is an important fraction of your track.

    - You can experiment things. AniMix in itself is an experiment. Each clip has to be original. The AniMix team WANTS you to be inventive. To dare things. The soundtrack in itself is quite daring!

    I think AniMix can be to the AMV maker what short movies are to film directors: where most tricks are invented, to be used later in longer and more "serious" pieces of work.

    In that sense, only AniMix matches all these criteria: the DDR Project also wants its contributors to be creative, but their clips usually have to be much longer than AniMix tracks (which can be as short as 12 seconds!). Besides, the DDR Project has got so much importance to some people's eyes that there is some pressure on its contributors about the quality of their work. So maybe they'll prefer security and not dare too much innovation.

    Praise AniMix! '^_^'

    (And praise rendering times used to write this journal!) 
  • Anthem : done! 2003-11-09 16:02:57 Finally!

    After more than two months of work, I have finished my 9th AMV!

    It's still in MJPEG on my hard drive (600 MB...), so I still have to encode it in MPEG or DivX and upload it. I think I will prefer MPEG since it introduces less artifacts than DivX. The file will be bigger, but that's the price to pay for quality.

    Don't expect it online before some weeks... I don't have a broadband connection at home. I will probably ask a friend to upload it for me.

    Now I can begin my next project: here I am, AniMix! 
  • First entry 2003-11-08 20:51:05 Don's ask me WHY I start this journal today, after more than two silent years as .org member... I believe one has to wait for things to come by themselves. And today this first journal entry has come. I didn't plan it, it just became obvious.

    Let's talk about AMVs, since that's what this site was made for. (Though it seems that this kind of journal can be used for many purposes.)

    I currently have 3 AMV projects:
    - An experimental AMV, 75% done. Electronic music and repeating video samples from Akira. People will love it or hate it. More people are likely to hate it, though. I don't care. The purpose of art is to express yourself, not to entertain other people. I mean... Nobody is unique. So if you make something you like, it is impossible that nobody else likes it. Therefore, you don't have to care about your audience, since an audience will automatically exist if you produce art the way YOU like it.
    - My contribution to AniMix part 5, zero percent done. I'm not late (yet) though.
    - A collaborative AMV with WilLoW, on a French disco song. Can you imagine that.

    OK, from now on happens what had to happen: I'm not talking about AMV anymore.

    One more project is to realize the trailer for a movie we shot last summer with friends. I'm damn late on this one.

    I also have to work on the next major version of my software Cellulo (

    Oh, I'm also writing a short story (or could it become a novel? I don't think so, I'm too lazy for that).

    And... Last but not least... (Quite an overused locution, isn't it?)

    After having spent many months looking for a job, I had two offers last week from two different companies. I love the two offers. I mean, both are really what I dream of as a job. They are also quite different. One is to work abroad for 8 months in California. The other is to work permanently in Toulouse, France.
    Both projects are highly interesting computer science applications.
    The project in California looks like an adventure and a great experience for me. The job in Toulouse would allow me to settle down for a long time in a town near friends.
    For days, I've been changing my mind every 5 minutes between the two offers. Each time I think about one of them I think it's so great that the other can't be as great. But I realize it is.
    My whole life will depend on the choice I will have to make in a few days. I would like to save the game and try both ways.
    Too bad I can't.
    This choice drives me crazy. Really.

    I wish I could live in community on a small island and have to care about surviving to entirely occupy my mind. But everybody does, don't they?
    (Bad point: no AMVs on wild islands.)

    Cheers folks, I wrote my first journal entry. 
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