• Talking to exs... 2005-03-20 04:06:42 Well, I was talking to my ex, Heathe, Tuesday night. And we had a GREAT conversation. Best conversation I've had in two years, actually. So we're now settled out, all the bitterness behind us. Me and Jo have been pretty happy these last two years, the odd fight here and there, nothing too serious. College has been going well. I had a job at Blockbuster for almost a year, then I lost it in October, which sucked, because I really liked that job.

    Anyway, there's lots of important stuff, but I can barely remember ten minutes ago most of the time, much less write some blog about it that to date, only 41 people have ever seen [less than that really, I know at least 4 of those hits must have been me].

    For the last three months or so though, it's been kind of weird. Jo used to be the clingy possessive one, always wanting me to sleep over, always wanting attention, affection, and for me to get jealous. So then after she goes back to Houston for winter break, she comes back and doesn't want me to be so focusedo n her all the time, and to let her do whatever she wants. So with the sudden drop in demand for attention, I started freaking out. Plus she started talking to guys online that we met on Shangrila [if you play it, you know what it is. If you don't... I'm not telling]. And she talks to one of them a lot. And they've been calling and actually physically talking to eachother, and since he lives like 15 minutes from us, the odds are they'll meet in person, if they didn't already when he was in Houston for the Renassiance Fair. And so that freaks me out too, since we never have very good discussion anymore [see seomone everyday, most of the day for 2 years and you run low on innovative and exciting things to discuss].

    Now, what's important is, that after pre-mentioned great conversation with Heather on Tuesday, Joanna wakes me up with a phone call from Houston [she's at her parent's for spring break] and starts crying, and says she wants a break, but she doesn't want to hurt me or want me out of her life, or want me to stop kissing her or telling her that I love her. The analysis of all my female friends is that's a guilty reaction to something, which is kind of what I was thinking while it was happening anyway, another fact that hasn't helped my mood. 
  • Viewers Choice 2003-03-25 01:59:20 Weell, I've begun hte process of downloading the VCA winners and nominees to view them all. Considering how much stuff Shameless Rock Video won, I didn't like it that much when I saw it hosted on Doki Doki almost a year ago. Speaking of Doki Doki, when will they get their videos back for DL? I miss them.

    As for my personal life, well, I'm worried I may not be able to pay for college next year. I need somewhere between 5K and 7.5K for my Fall semester and the largest loan I can get is only $2,500. This could mean I'm gonna be out of college for a year. That would suck so much, I can't even imagine it. And my parent's are useless. They won't help. Mainly it's my mom saying that she's been telling me to get a job since I was 12 [like I had nothing better to do then save up for college that they orginally were gonna pay for].

    I love Kusoyaro's Sappy Self-Indulgence. I've had it in loop play for hte past half hour. I really like the Record of Lodoss section with Parn and Deedlit. I need to see the orginal TV series, because all I've seen is the OAVs (Chronice of the Heroic Knight),  
  • Well glad that got resolved 2003-03-19 11:15:08 Well, like the title says, my personal life issues are pretty much resolved now. I'm happily with Joanna, for what looks like a long time. Her friend is mad that I don't want to go to Prom, but I went last year and that was a good $400 that I would have so much rather spent at A-kon13. Not wasting money on that crappy piece of chicken and a dance again. All they played my whole prom except for two slow songs was the type of rap music that I really hate. You know, the kind with lyrics like this:

    I'm gonna get drunk till I can't get drunk no more;
    Then I'm gonna get high till I can't get high no more;
    Then I'm gonna have sex with like 4000202353253265 women simultaenously even though that's not even physically possible till I can't do that no more...

    ANd so on . I hate rap that's all about how badass the rapper thinks he is. It's possibly the worst kind of music EVER. 
  • Yar har 2003-02-01 12:26:56 Well, I don't have a whole lot to write about. I'm mainly bored while I wait for a ride to a friends house. I'm watching my Kenshin action AMVs at the moment, and wishing I had the Legends of Kyotot arc as well as my Wandering Samurai. God, I love Rurouni Kenshin. It's such an awesome series. Starts out with a season of mixed action and comedy, followed by a season of hardcore action. Then there's a season I haven't season (Tales of the Meiji), so I can't judge that. I don't know why, but Jessmasters Rapid (Special Edition) and Cegeta's Courage videos are really addicting to listen to in sequence. I've also got Some Guy With Nothing Better to Do's Wait and Bleed and some creator I don't know's Last Resort on the list, but they just aren't as good as Jessmasters and Cegeta's. Writing this makes me want to go watch my Kenshin. In fact, I think I will.

    Oh, and I guess I ought to write something about my personal life, just because I gotta get this out somewhere.

    I really love this girl named Joanna. She has been nothing but perfectly nice to me, sitting through god knows how many hours of my video games, putting up with one of my annoying friends, and practically spent her life for the past 5 months on me. Then there's my ex who I still Love. She still loves me too, but since we're seperated by most of the continental United States, the stress for her was too mcuh. She's kind of immature, because her parent's sheltered her from life for 18 years, but I still care about her.

    I've been kind of bitter and angry to the ex ever since I started to feel that I love Joanna, and I feel really bad about it, and even worse, I feel bad about what made me feel bad about it. I was watching a movie of a live action something or other [I htink it was a etchi (though not a hard core hentai, there was no sex), considering how often girls clothes seemed to find a way to be see-through, or simply not there], and one of the girls looked like Heather (the ex). Kind of acted like her too, and I felt bad about how I've been treating her for the last month and a half. I think i'm gonna write and apologize, but Heather and Joanna do talk sometimes, and I don't want Joanna to think I'm trying to get back with Heather. And I do't want to be tempted to be back with Heather. It's unfortunate, but the superior personality and body rarely come in one package, and Heather is way hotter than Joanna. Now I feel even more shallow. That's not the only consideration, but, I really would like to somehow be able to have both. Course, that's never gonna happen. 
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