JOURNAL: Valerius

  • Hallelujah, Brothers! 2005-02-25 10:07:48 Gaia War Song is up at last.

    Thank you, AMV. 
  • Waiting on the server 2005-02-21 16:45:23 Grr, why must AMV be against me whenever I really want to upload something? Here I am, ready to upload the most touching AMV of my music video career, and the storage server is full.


    Waitin' on the server... 
  • Frustration 2005-01-20 10:39:00 I'm sorry. It seems that AMV won't let me submit my latest and greatest, because it says that Warcraft III is not anime. I can understand that, but I'm frustrated because there are OTHER PEOPLE with WARCRAFT III AMVS!

    If someone could explain this logic to me, I'd greatly appreciate it. 
  • Upcoming masterpiece 2005-01-20 09:36:34 Well, this is my first journal entry.

    I just wanted everyone to know that later today, my masterpiece is coming!

    Even my most critical friend has given it his seal of approval...a thing almost unheard of!

    I hope you will enjoy it! 
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 16:08:43