Wong (Marcus "Wong" Grieder)
been a while....
2005-07-29 17:37:56
wow...have not had the chance to do anything since november....seems like such a long time...but only about 9 months...heh.
while i have not been posting anything on the ORG...i am still making vids in my spare time....and then my computer broke....again.....
i am still working on my uber Tool/Akira vid.....i have yet to do akira, and i think it will work out good....hell...for the last half a year i have been planing it all it better be good.
i hope to have something put out in full vid format in the next couple permitting. (am a military training who the hell knows when i will be able to actualy spend a lot of time to finish it)
2004-10-27 03:47:49
first time posting in journal, might be only time...who knows.....
Well.....made a couple vids the last 2 weeks, 1 is a sappy drama, and then there is this one....
Misery. Not much to say about it...except it probobly sucks, but i had to vent somehow, and why not through a Z.O.E. action vid? Roomate TOTALY pissing me off, only good thing about that is i decided to move within 2 weeks i should be outa there.....
Hopeing to get a new part time job soon, so i can focus on my e-commerce buisness, (new job just means more money to divest into my buisness...heh.)
and then i hope to get enough money to build the computer i alwasy wanted...then i can make AMV's like mad....MWUAHAHAHAHA
Current server time: Mar 14, 2025 02:39:45