AMV_4000 (Addy MV Addiction Music Videos)
new video
2007-09-05 15:49:01
forget me not.
that is the title of my new video, its basically just me going into my old amvs, picking out my fav scenes/whatever fit the music, and I kinda made a story of my old videos. as a few people know, im not gunna be doing this much longer, so this is one of my last vids kinda saying "dont forget me when i'm gone"... its been fun tho...
watching awa pro
2007-08-11 23:49:51
on a video that sucks.. wont say which.. pray that my eyes dont bleed too much.. and Im OUT! tiem fur 4chan!
Project Revolution
2007-08-08 00:03:05
Just got home from the consert..... BEST SHOW EVER! MSI fucking ROCKED! crowd surfing and pitting was so much fun... if only it wasnt like 1000000000 degrees... linkin park was pretty good too... altho the other bands sucked.. atleast i was able to play guitar hero while i waited till LP got on.. MSI is tha shit..
2007-08-04 05:36:11
CB-R radio... for july... its on teh cbr site i'll make a post in the forums today if i can remember when i get home... its been on the site for a few weeks now.. but between the new member in cbr, awa pro, MS and editing on other things.. i've been busy...
Maple Story... The Devil...
2007-08-04 05:34:20
AWA deadline is approaching, and i still have 6 incomplete videos that i wanted to finish for expo.. i have NO desire to finish them anymore... at all... i have started playing Maple Story with my roomates... and yeah... were all addicted now.. so as for amvs... they can wait...
Current server time: Mar 13, 2025 18:22:12