JOURNAL: Lostboy (Lee Thompson)

  • I... have become... comfortably numb... 2001-10-05 09:17:28 It's been a blissfully boring week. No working on videos. No struggling with mountains of homework. Just lots of lovely, lovely down time. Oh sure, I had to go to classes and all, but things are kind of low-key since I caught up in my post-AWA backlog of homework. Midterms are in 3 weeks, so you'll hear me ranting again soon. but right now, I'm not going to worry about it. I'm just enjoying the beautiful weather and the stress-free calm which has followed the high-energy storm that was AWA.

    Speaking of AWA, allow me to plug my website!!! I posted all my AWA 7 photos!

    Just follow the link from the main page to the con journals, then hit the AWA 7 link. 
  • Happiness is being DONE with shit 2001-10-02 17:02:20 Thank you, thank you, my stupid-ass writing assignment for Modern American Drama is done. Have I mentioned the whole "hate grad school" thing? I have? Oh, okay then.

    I keep reading Wednedsay's journal entries and feeling really bad. o_o I reviewed one of her videos, and ever since then, she's been remarking on a crisis in her confidence with respect to the videos she makes. I'm going to e-mail her tonight after class (if I don't pass out from exhaustion before getting my butt in the chair at my desk tonight).

    Wednesday, if you're reading this, I'm sorry if I rattled your confidence. I'm a deconstructive kind of critic. I point out every flaw so editors can go into their video and fix those flaws if they choose to.

    I gotta go back and re-read what I said. Was I mean to her? I hope not. o_o I can't remember. Yay for sleep-deprivation. It makes all kinds of fun amnesia stuff happen. 
  • I will go on really believing 2001-10-01 03:47:12 I just got the NICEST review on 'The Fall'! Probably the nicest opinion anyone has posted for any of my videos. I was relieved to see someone finally post an opinion for one of the four videos I added to my list this weekend. ^_^

    Okay, time for bed. That's all. 
  • Grad school 2001-09-30 15:47:17 I hate grad school. =_=; 
  • The streets are paved with diamonds and there's just so much to see... 2001-09-30 01:47:27 I want to be at another convention. I miss everyone. I was at Blockbuster tonight, renting Memento and Best of Show, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw E.K. Of course I didn't even have to look up. I knew it wasn't her. So I didn't bother looking. I just shrugged it off as the annoying post-con loneliness it was. Moments later, I swore I saw the wild red frizz of Sarah's hair, but it was an employee behind the counter, organizing tapes. I'm haunted by missed friends and familiar faces. I might have to go on a weekend road trip this winter to see some people if this keeps up.

    I hope some of my AWA friends go to MTAC. It's only 5 weeks away, and so close to Atlanta. Patrick's going, which is great. I hope I can convince a few others to attend. Maybe Jessica or Brett will go. I've given them the information, and I'm pushing the con staff to make them guests if they're interested in coming.

    I hope MTAC turns out to be an okay con. It's the closest convention to Memphis, so if I can help it become a good one, I will. This will be my first year to attend it. I'm expecting it to be a little weak, since it's only year two, but we can hope these people are serious about learning to make it a better con every year.

    Well, I'd better go work on my thumbnails for my journal. I want it to be done by tomorrow night. 
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