JOURNAL: KenShimazu (Kentaro Shimazu)

  • Do People Read this?? 2001-11-26 10:12:59 Not that it matters, I`ve come to the insanity Decision

    I Love Dream Theater
    I Love Dream Theater`s "Pull me Under"

    I Love Anime


    Anime Montage 2 by K.A.T. Translations AMV Division Japan is now in the works. I don`t give a flying poodle if people like it or not, I don`t care that it`s an 8 minute song and probably be a pain in the ass for me to get the right footage for what i want, Since when i came here to Japan All i braught was my DVD collection.

    So hence, It`s in the works, and probably will end up being just a Anime Scenes to Music type thing, but hell, I intend to push my little knowledge of Premiere, and my Edititing skills to the limit (hell i`m no Doki Doki, and no Kevin Cadwell when it comes to smooth transitions and effects, but hell, I will say with some ego for once that i`m damn good at cross fades (yepyep..Ken the Cross Fade Master...Going for that title heheheheheheheh)

    in anycase Yes i`m sober, and for any that think I`m insane at attempting to do the unedited version of this song well at least I`m not doing Metropolis Part 1 which is a 13 minute song or Ende Gada Devita by Iron Butterfly (although that in itself would be a neat in my opinion)

    so in anycase


    E-mail me opinions on this if you want, 
  • I think it`s time for an update 2001-11-14 07:51:36 Not that i think most people care (although i know for a fact the guys back home do) but I`m starting to wonder myself when and if i`ll create my next video, heard some great songs of late, and been thinkin of doing a new vid, but with limited resources and footage (mainly DVD mostly comprized of the full DVD series of Evangelion, and i KNOW ya`lls want another Evangelion vid (dripping sarcasm))

    welp, in short i have a Pa-chi-yun (spelling is off) song that I`ve been thinking of doing, it`s by a korean artist, pretty neat dance song, but not quite sure what to do with it. Entered my Evangelion and redone X vid to Mindwarps contest, I`m hoping for best editing in Evangelion, or even an honorable mention if i`m really lucky.

    Work is good, I miss working and having a paycheck at the end of the week, being on a tourist visa here in Japan is a bad thing, can`t work, hence relying on father for money, which is bad, because it`s honestly not enough just for food expenses, I thank my roommate Jay for supplying me (kindly) with food for the past week or so....really really need to pay the poor guy back soon...ack..

    January is supposedly the month when Studio Ironcat officially starts paying me. Oh, if you didn`t know, I translate Ogenki Clinic and Cool Devices for them, not that you really care, but hell it`s a step in the right direction for me, and it`s not as bad as you might think.

    really need to meet this weeks deadline, been too lazy to touch the stuff, kinda feel bad for Tikki since she`s waiting on me and did ask that i get some of the stuff done early but hell, they currently don`t pay me to do this, so hence, i realyl have no motivation to actually sit down and do that work, i`d rather study the 2001 Kanji i have to remember for them....(sigh).

    Put WinXP on this laptop, ME was pissing the living crap out of me, and I`m praying my Dazzle will work, i have two choices, make new vid, or redo my old Angels Egg video with better quality, hopefully people will like it better. as i keep saying, I`m now more popular overseas then i am in the states, according to a fan group in Sweden they love my videos, I Like to point them out to this place, and some of the bigger names, and for an ego boost, aside from Video quality, they say they really don`t see much of a diffrence. which makes me happy ^^, kinda miss home, not so much for family and stuff, but honestly for work and the guys i hang out with (howdy Mark, Chris, Jon, say hi to Tank and the other Ken for me!)

    anyway...that`s it for now, Japan still rocks even without money cause I`m happy to be here ^^

  • Advantages of being in an Internation School 2001-10-20 06:02:05 lesee...welp as the title states this is about advantages, pertaining to AMV Creation. From what i was told my Vids are gaining minimal popularity in HK, Taiwan, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland...Kinda really neat ^^

    just need to work on the states hehehehe

    off to a japanese club maybe I`ll meet a nice girl or something

  • Talk about an Ego Booster 2001-10-15 11:48:44 met a guy today who went to Anime Expo in Cali this year, and according to him sat through the the entire AMV panel and the Music video core. welp showed him a few of my better ones, and the dude gets pissed off that i didn`t enter (according to him i had a good chance of winning with my EVA one...who knows)

    kinda nice to hear, still think my videos need allot of work but hell...

    for me, at this point i don`t really care about winning contests or pleaseing people, I stand by my original outlook about AMV creation, just want to impress the guys That i look up to (mentioned numerous times before i beleive) easier to do that then pleaseing the masses i think, can`t really help that my Video quality sucks at this point, my machine sucks for capture, but hell....

    it was a nice ego booster, something nice to hear to help me keep motivated in creating future projects and stuff (not that anyone really bothers to look at my videos though i think)

    in anycase

    it`s late...Kinda drunk goin to bed
  • things I`ve come to realize 2001-10-14 13:00:40 Just finished watching Odorikuu and Failed experiment at video

    after watching those i`ve come to realize a few things about my video editing capablitities...main one being that i suck really really badly..

    it doesn`t matter much to me that Most of my friends back in the States like my vids, doesn`t help me much showing my dorm mates around here my vids either, although some here are Otaku, and loved em, and others have seen good videos...still doesn`t help me much

    I want to keep creating, but the lack of feedback and lack of things telling me ASIDE from my bad capture footage doesn`t help me either.

    Hell Otakon2k1 was a great experience for the pure fact that they (Quu, Hsien, William Milbury and crew) helped me figure out what i did wrong with the videos i had at the time but... the past three videos, welp my feedback sucks, try something diffrent, figure out my own style etc etc...ah well. so maybe it ain`t flying with people.

    redid my X video, looks 100 percent better then the old version, unfortunatly no way for people to download it currently for the fact that hell, no server space at the moment, although Walter Scott is being kind enough to share me some space when he gets some, guy here also has a Streamload account in Hong Kong, says he`ll host my videos when they get uploaded, but who knows when that`ll be.

    I find that i need to do a dance video for the sake of practice, want to do the next DDR project (you`ll know it`s mine by the shitty video quality)

    hell can`t help video quality, this laptop only has a 13 gig hd, and I`M using a Dazzle 80 which was the cheapest thing i could afford at the time, USB to boot, so although the capture looks great 320x240, looks like crap full screen... sigh... can`t win no matter what i do...

    Not sure if i really want to compete at cons either, hell, sent what i thought was my best video, but when you end up competeing against one of the better known, and better editors who sends in 9 of his/hers, god help me, i had no chance in hell to even get an honorable mention... so kind of one of those, yeah yeah Kens feeling sorry for himself type things but...jeez...

    welp, in anycase, my next project is going to be a dance video with some original artwork done by a friend of mine (quality is bad quite honestly since it was encoded to like 120x something or other), song will probably be a Hong Kong, or Korean dance song (no clue what they`re singing but i like the beat, and rythem of the lryics)... Had some good study material with the DDR project, so who knows

    but all in all, I`m just flat out bummed with my video editing, since 550 or so downloads for my Eva-Suicde video and only 3 real opinons...that just discourages maybe no more conventions for K.A.T. Translations

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