JOURNAL: KenShimazu (Kentaro Shimazu)

  • woo hoo TV! 2001-10-02 02:26:23 Yep...went out and baught myself a 14" color mono TV (hey it`s better then nothing, and this dorm room is smaller then the standard closet!!)

    while treking back from the electronics store (about 3 miles away and carrying this damn thing) finally figured out EXACTLY what i want to change in my X video (once i start it) but before that

    baught Zeonic Front.. I had promised myself that i wouldn`t buy games and such (ah well....) because of money matters, trying to live on 1000 yen a day (and well actually i managed to cut that down to about 700-800 yen if i do it right..thank god Bread and Butter are relatively cheap)

    so that`s what`s anyone really bothers to read my entries, I actually am starting to make this a habit, try to get one log in a day, my personal journal while i`m here, might as well take advantage of it.

    i hope my laptop doesn`t burn out, been running close to 2 days straight now...i can FEEL the heat coming up from the keyboard...probably not a good thing...i think I`ll shut it down for a few hours for it to cool off.

    anyway..time to figure out where I`m putting this TV then off to playing video games for a bit

  • getting lost, and being an Alien 2001-10-01 23:59:26 So it`s kinda wierd. albeit I`m a long haired, Cowboy Hat wearing wierdo in the States, but it really shows here in Japan. Kinda odd.

    Flying out of La-Guardia was really really odd...Seeing the City without the Twin Towers, it felt really naked...

    but I`m here, got lost coming back from the Grocery store (nothing like having one of the employee`s following you around)(I was wearing all black, a black trench, and my hat...guess i really can`t blame em)

    cooked my first meal and made friends with a german guy named David, nice guy, he gave me some dumplings (in exchange for some stir fried vegatables, meat is expensive here, hence I`m turning into a psudo vegetarian)

    in anycase..

    gonna rest for a bit and then see if i can find a cheap small TV
  • WOO HOO JAPAN 2001-10-01 07:10:46 In Japan, kewl dorm room (granted it`s small but hell got a Sharedt1 connection ^^ and ICQ DOES work!!!)

    currently unpacking then, getting some beer, and food..need food hungry 
  • OHHHH MAAAAN?! 2001-09-30 01:08:28 Go figure...not being able to get in touch with Mike from StudioKZ, and what happens? he`s being sent over...gah...take care of yourself

  • and so off to japan 2001-09-29 21:44:55 gyahahahaha ^^ in less then 8 hours i`ll be on a plane heading to Japan!!! Yee haaa!!! ^^ 14 friggen hours on a plane that`s gonna drive me smoking...might as well drink myself to sleep. oh yeah two stop overs go figure. one in Pittsburg the other in Detroit...sigh... ah well it`s well worth the torture i guess. but...JAPAN YEEEE HAAA and for a whole year too !!! ^^ heee heee hee !! (too dang giddy to take a nap either hehe )

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