KenShimazu (Kentaro Shimazu)
2001-09-29 05:15:58
I`m bored, it`s 5am...and I`m typing go figure...
welp if you`re reading this, read below also. just for laughs or whatever.
hmmm okay...I know what to type about...I can do my Fanboy thing I really am thinking of Chanign my User name to Fanboy24 or my studio name to that (or 25 (That`S how old I`ll be in January).
Fanboy stuff:
What got me into AMV`S? I blame Tim Park`s Senshi on Springer video, saw that at Otakon and went o_o holy shit...!!! after a few months finally got some equipment and programs and bashed out my first did it really suck, you want to see a bad video, when it`s back up downlaod my Legend of Zelda to Record of Lodoss war really was bad..
but I improved..
how did i improve...hmm well lesseee I`d say my favorite AMV creators have to be Hsien Lee of Kusoyaro, Brad Demoss and Kevin Cadwell, mainly because when i first started downloading their videos were readily accessable for some reason. studied them, learned what made them good and bashed out Anime Montage. probably my first real success of a video, people liked it ^^
other favorites you ask? well of course Joe of Maboroshi, Aluminum Studios, Tim Park, Sailor Death, rys, Otaku Vengeance, and Genki Genki (granted he`s only made a few but his Melt Banana one is a riot ^^)
Otakon2k1 was great, can`t stress to people how much meeting some of the above guys (and Quu you too just in case you read this ^^) really helped me out. just by sitting their (drunk...including me...I`d swear Hsien was going to fall out of the window at one point...but then again i was pretty drunk) and taking the time to watch my videos was a big help and getting feedback from Quu and Hsien was great ^^ learned what to do better. they were objective about it too!!! ^^ so hence moral of that story, if you want to learn, get the big guys to take a look hehe.
so...still working on my goal to impress the big wigs of this hobby. I`m figuring I`m on the right step ^^ with the Keyscape and Eva vid...(granted it`s an eva vid...and key was waay too short, need to work on video capture quality heh), finally got the X dvd so intending to do my really crappy X vid (needs soooo much work...then again it was one of my earlier works..
and it`s late...going to bed
Opinions Opinions Opinions
2001-09-29 04:15:28
After a few raging reviews of my vids (dripping sarcasm and genuine apreciation to a few)
okay... I should toss this into my profile but I`ll make it clear here for now.
I honestly do not like to critique videos, reason, I just got into video creation in March 2001, I think i managed to learn allot in the short amount of time i started, and showing lots of improvement in each video, and each re-edit of my videos...
I`ve also come to realize, damn, not allot of reviewers out there who can take the time to do reviews. So I`ve decided its time for me to do some reviewing of peoples work. I intend to be as UNBIAS and TACTFUL in my critiques as possible, my intent is to review vids from my own personal technical eye, and ability, I can`t Gauruntee much, and some of ya`lls will hate me for my reviews if i am harsh, but trust me you`ll be getting my blunt opinions on the video, not some harsh, overtly insulting (I hope) comments that sound unwarrented, I will attempt to review them and explain my view point as best as possible
Aluminum Studios ROCKS!!!!!
2001-09-29 01:40:58
Forgot about this small area on the web space. ALuminum Studios Liked my video enough to actually host it for me, thank you soo much Will!!!!
how m any newbies can actually say they semi impressed a pro right? ^^ it made me very happy and it's a great sign that my AMV creation art is moving in the right direction.
now back to reality
okay okay it may not be that great of a video overall, it has it's problems and I'd be the first to agree that the video quality is crappy, it doesn't help that the computer i use is only a 500mhz amdk62 with a slow ass harddrive. but hell that's just equipment.
my truest apreciation to William is that he apreciated it, one of my idols in the AMV world (yes i'm a fanboy) apreciated my video, and went far enough to host it for me (helps that it's only 8megs but heck)
so. recognition, and knowledge that I'm going in the right direction
thanks Aluminum Studio
and Iserholn, suck on that ^_^
Kentaro Shimazu
Dang it...
2001-09-20 23:03:47
As usual...make a vid, have everyone and their grandmother jump on it for the sake of having it, and not ONE friggen opinion of how it was...
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