JOURNAL: Kerydwenn (Yzabel )

  • Still not dead 2005-11-22 14:01:17 And stil laround from time to time. My free time having gone into writing, vid making has gone on the side-burner for the moment (I've just crapped out 50k words for NaNoWriMo in 20 days, so when I say "I want to write and I do it", I mean it, haha).

    Thanks by the way to the people who've left reviews. I haven't visited in quite some time, so, uhm, I haven't answered (yet), but they were very much appreciated! :) 
  • No time, but not giving up 2005-08-05 08:18:20 Riiight... So in my previous entry, I was saying that I finally had the DVDs for my next vid, but the truth is, currently... I don't have time to devote to this. Ideas are still bursting through my head, and yet I just can't get 2 or 3 hours here and there to fully extract and edit. GAH.

    I've been completely caught up in writing. Preparing short stories to submit to French magazines, taking part in blogs (which helps me polisihing my writing skills A LOT, given how they've suffered from four years of straight technical writing...), and performing a huge overhaul on my novel, in order to turn it into a readable story that won't bore the reader to death. Then when the day is over, I just don't have the energy to be more creative than that on a vid, and I just want to spend time reading or watching movies/anime. I suppose it's life.

    I'm not giving up, in any case: this doesn't mean that I won't find more time to edit later on this year. For the moment, though, I think that I've slacked WAY enough with my writing, and that I seriously need to give myself the opportunity to do something with it, instead of sitting on my ass and dreaming about "being a writer someday". It's not like publishers will come ringing at my door, and I can't even rely on an agent in the future, for the simple reason that it doesn't exist where I live. I'm on my own here.

    Thus, on my own I am, and off my ass I went.

    C'est la vie. 
  • Got it! 2005-06-16 14:07:51 Yaaaarr I finally, finally got the sources for my next vid!...

    ...Right before a very busy week-end, but that's another matter *rolleyes*

    It's weird, because I really want to make this vid, it was the only one I couldn't make, and thus I wasn't feeling motivated for anything else. Talk about being a slave to my desires. Anyway - I'll try to get around it as soon as I can, for sure! 
  • This made me smile 2005-06-06 23:53:56 Quoted from a thread on the forums:

    "transitions are also something that differs from alot of AMV stuff. i pretty much learned that anything thats not a fade or a hard cut just doesnt work! all the fancy transitions with wipes shaped like stars or other crap, or 3d shapes, or other crap just kinda looks stupid in movies (besides star wars). i've seen some great AMVs that use these though. personally, it always kinda bothered me even before i joined this class, but then WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THERE FORE? are music videos (and star wars) the exeption to this rule? "

    And the following answer:

    "No. There are no exceptions. Cheesy transitions exist for two purposes and one other reason: to fool amateurs to thinking they're acceptable (so that pros can laugh at them), to enliven atrociously boring training videos and other cut-rate product intended for internal corporate consumption, and because some programmer thought that it would be cool to make the screen do something like that, then actually coded it up."

    Somehow, this just strikes me as being extremely logical.

    ...Not that I'd use star-shaped transitions anyway, I didn't need a class to know that it was cheesy ;) 
  • To ShadowKeriphin 2005-06-01 06:09:48 To answer the question that I see regularly coming back:

    Premiere Pro 1.0 = Premiere 7.0. :)

    There's nothing like Premiere 7.0, at least not on Adobe's side (now don't ask me about people making 7.0 boxes or whatcrap).

    Now this makes me think, we could really do with a comments system on the journals *lol* 
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