Kerydwenn (Yzabel )
F*** off!...
2002-05-09 05:07:21
What the shit did happen?...
We watned to install Anarchy online eysterday on my b/f's comp... and nothing. Comp not even booting. Not beep, no buzzer, nothing. Not even a single little light on themainboard or other warning.
As his mainboard had already been screwed up less than 2 months ago, we thought it was that again... Tried to unplug all evices, then check which one it could be... It was working using my own processeor... Kinda weird thing, and finally, forcing a BIOS reset managed to have the comp start again... but indicating that system disk had corrupted sectors.
Aftermath: reinstalling Xp and all programs, having to dowload lots of stuff again, and now hoping that finding againg the settings for the DVD player won't be too long, for we don't ereally have much time this week...
Meh I wanted to encode our SIlent moebius, i guess it's no good for the moment...
Ah well. At least he won't have to buy a NEW mainboard AGAIN ^_^;
2002-05-08 03:42:34
My b/f's back from Paris for the next 5 days!! ^_^
And it's holidays here...
This will be 5 wonderful days. I'm so happy!!!... and will be ever more when October comes and he's finished his studies far from here... :)
My, it's such shit to be separated like this... Even if we can se each other 2 months out of 4... Some people surely know worse than this, but it's still painful...
Unexpected and not so much...
2002-05-07 12:39:01
We had classes in a park near my school, today.
The teacher that had to come at 2 pm just arrived, looked at the sky, and said "okay, classes outside today". Said class wasn't very different from the usual subjects we receive to study, but it was, trying to set up an advertising campaign when you're the middle of a park, with pigeons around, kids playing soccer, tourists and the rest of the lot.
I was also given another opportunity to notice how the words "arrest people because policemen don't like the look of them" can be true, here at least. There were several other groups of people around us... some of them seemingly Maghebine... and all of a sudden a police patrol car came, and began to check all those people's IDs. Not ours - just the "immigrants" ones. They brought two of them in the car, and departed.
I still do'nt know what they were looking for, but it's always the same thing. Black and "colored skin" people are always the first ones to be bothered. Same when looking for a job... There had been an "experiment" here - an Algerian man who had sent a letter to a local company, applying for a job, and hadn't even been given any answer of refusal. Thinking the company's bosses were being racist, the man then sent them the SAME letter... exactly the SAME... but changing his name on it for a more "French" one. And what a miracle, this time they gave him an appointment to meet him...
If this isn't sad... :/
A new day rising...
2002-05-07 02:01:32
And contrary to any usual Tuesday, I'm still at home for the next 4 hours... only beginning classes at 12:15. Sugoi ne!... :)
My Tyler's DVD just arrived through mail ysterday, but i'll have to take them at the post-office, as of course I wasn't home when the mailman came... I hope I have time to do so tonight, but I highly doubt the office'll still be open at 6 pm... :/
Oh well, in any case, I still haven't finished to watch Noir (geez ep.12 and it BEGINS to unveil some intresting plot, I hope this will go more quickly now...). This is for the moment the only anime I've seen with such a GOOD OST (I had heard the OST before knowing the series... and this was what had made me willing to watch it)... and such a badly used one, too. Too bad, because it could really have given another atmosphere to the show, if only some of the music had been coupled with different scenes... and a better edit.
Doesn't reviewing AMVS suddenly give another perspective concerning anime? How weird... :)
I wonder why I'm writing here. i've never really kept journals until now, and still a few months ago, I wouldn't have bothered with a blogger or anything on-line like this... Oh well, I guess it's because I like this site... and people will read my rants and bullshit only if they want to know, I assume LOL
Must finish another Kery-Kitsune this morning... 8 already done, on the 32 i have to draw!! My, it's damn LONG, but it's the funniest work i had to do since the beginning of the year, not counting the Japanese books we had to create (well, *I* had, bcause 2/3 of my class chose to create Hip-Hop CDs. Yuck).
Oh well. I'd better move my as to my X-Press and finish the invitation card for my school, also.
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go...
2002-05-06 13:52:13
Woooh! Seems that luck's always following odd cycles. ive just learnt one of my teachers' not available tomorrow, which means that I start classes at 12 only. Well okay, it'll be a marketing class (interesting but just afetr lunch...humm... hasta la siesta ^_^;) and viscom (interesting too, but loads of homework for this one, usually...), but still... still, and especially knowing that Wed and Thur are days off, and that my company takes the extra day because of this... Hmm, almost like a little week of holidays!
I hope I'll be able to work a little on my vid tonight. I still have tons of posts to answer to on the RPG threads, and answering to my poor players who're waiting on me for more than one week now... I really love playing them... Sluagh seeress... former Solificato Archmage... and not forgetting my renegade Euthanatos slowly becoming Marauder (will they understand THIS before it's too late? Mwahahahaaha! PARADOX STRIKES!!!!
A-hum. I guess I just need a little break. Will eat something, and go back to f***ing homework again...
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