Kerydwenn (Yzabel )
Sunday, bloody Sunday...?
2002-04-28 02:57:20
Yeah, great, here we go again with bloody jacko listening to... techno music out loud in his tuned car at 8 am... My, have I been given a geas of some sort - "never go to a party unless you have nothing better to do" -, or simply cursed by the Fey?
Okay. Think positive, girl. Don't let yourself be bothered by lack of sleep, it's not worth it, and it's sunny outside ( a change compared to the last week), so there' sno way i'm gonna lose a whole Sunday.
Well, if not for 2-3 hours for doing my homework. Ack. Ack ack ack!
I wanna read some Cherryh again. I don't know why, when I was waken up, I had in mind that it was a day to begin "Cyteen". Which I don't even own for the moment, but I guess should be a quick remedy to the problem. Unless I take my pause tomorrow first to go to town and buy it ;)
Having a life is such shit sometimes
2002-04-27 20:21:10
The horror.
I should never have accpeted to go to this party. Classmates are pretty cool when we're at school, but on a Saturday evening, it's another story. Yeah, well done. Now I'm stinking cigarette smoke and shit and am making my whole flat stink with me, and I'm just pissed off enough not to be able to go to bed right now.
First, I hate techno and rave music. I mean, I really really really *hate* this kind of music. Second, I hate it even more when it's played too loud. Third, there's no word to describe it when music's too loud and I'm sitting right in front of the speakers. That's like being forced right into some hypnotism stuff - rythms impressed on me with such strength that I almost feel sometimes. I hate basses. Really.
This is the last time I go to a party of this kind. Apart of smoking shit all evening long, drinking beer and wine and every other liquor they can find, and trying to speak louder than the music (which is then played *even* louder to better hide the vacuity of their conversations), people do'nt do anything that's worth moving my ass - when I could do something more useful.
That's just another long, wasted evening. I wish I had stayed at home. At least I could have begun this book of Joseph Campbell's about oriental mythology.
There was a time I wished I was the popular type. The kind of girl that would always be invited to every party, and who'd never spend a Friday or Saturday evening alone at home.
Well sometimes I hate being (at least a little) popular.
Why do people always feel the need to "socialize"? I'm not talking about people who like it because it's their nature. but people who feel kinda forced to go out and be surrounded by tons of pseudo "friends" just because they don't know what to do with their lives (a.k.a. my sister and her pals, who, apart of going to night-clubs and watch TV, don't do anything else with their lives). Why do we always have to "pretend" to be, when all we wish doesn't match what society would like us to be?
Hell, if at least it had been interesting stuff to discuss about... but the most interesting person to talk to tonight was the <i>dog</i>!...
Being a geek does have its merits, finally.
2002-04-27 06:21:38
I was thinking all of the peo^ple that had begu to create AMV in the 90s and before... When DVD and DivX ;-) weren't existing yet, when they had to extract and encode with comps besides which our current machines look like unlimited deities, or worse - cutting and pasting stuff using old VCRs.
And then come little newbies that whine and moan about how they can't open a file in Premiere, ask (too) basic questions without having pressed F11 first, want everything and want it NOW, and don't even bother to read the guides written by people who WENT through the hard stuff and had to learn 90% of what they know the hard way - by themselves...
Okay, I'm a newbie too, but my job asks me to partly write manuals too, and I know what it is to have customers bother the hotliners ten times a day before they finally understand that "read the fucking manual" means the solution to their problem IS in the manual...
I wonder what it was like "in times of old". When, if you wanted to create AMVs (and other videos), you couldn't just type a few word in a search engine and find forums and sites dedicated to explaining the method.
I guess the "pioneers" surely had hard times, and more than often...
Site... an end???
2002-04-26 18:48:14
Ow... I guess I've finally managed to put my ass into gear and finish the beta-version of my little site... :)
Given the local hour, it was high time I did *something* of my evening. Well, I did, I've checked it, I'm glad. It takes hours to encode this damn video (maybe because I'm doing too many things with my PC at the same time?... Err, yes... it must be the reason why...) but there's no need looking growing percents on my screen without doing anything else ;)
Blessed be DreamWeaver!
Working on site
2002-04-26 13:44:11
I should have more inspiration and ideas than this to put some more stuff and finish this little site's layout.
I guess I just need a break... after having spent 8 hours editing damn text tags in FrameMaker.
Whatever I do, wherever I go, I seem to be stuck with Adobe... oh wait, no, there's X-Press too =)
Okay. Let's do some psychological preparations.
English dictionary's ready...
DreamWeaver too... (yeah, once again, I'm too lazy to type all the HTML... I do that enough at work I guess... and VIM's a real horror)...
Image Ready for image slicing ...
I guess it's all?
Oookay, here we go...
Umm, no, finally, I'm gonna grab something to eat first. :p
Current server time: Jan 31, 2025 19:49:40