JOURNAL: Kerydwenn (Yzabel )

  • Some more for the road 2005-05-02 16:34:10 Goodness, I think I'm slowly getting the hang of Premiere again, and I've actually been having lots of fun (if a few frustrating moments, too) going on with my vid. I already know that it probably will be of interest to a handful of geeks only, that the quality won't be top-notch, and that it won't be a super-good vid because, well, I'm (still) a newbie (again), but really, it doesn't matter to me, I'm really doing this one for myself. If it sucks, at least I can only do better the next time, and any possible improvement is ten steps above no improvement at all.

    Regarding the technical side of things, I was sort of expecting it, but not to such an extent: I DO feel the processor difference! Last AMV I made was with my old Duron 600 Mhz, and since then I've more than doubled this, which is easy to see! My comp doesn't take half as much time as it used to in order to export my test vids, and this still with background tasks running. Mwah, I like it.

    And now, a minute of silence for my old processor who died along with my mainboard three years ago... then back to some more editing before bed. 
  • *yawn* 2005-05-01 17:13:18 Alright, I've been a total geek. If i'm to ever get a tan from today's activity, it'll sure as hell be monitor tan *rolleyes*

    Sooooo, I started re-working my Angel's Egg AMV this morning... turned out I wasn't hungry at noon, so my lunch consisted in an apple and a small chocolate bar eaten in front of the comp... then I went on all afternoon long, with a 30 minutes break for dinner. It's past 11 pm now, and I'm still on it, just waiting now for the export process to finish so that I can give a first "real" check to the vid. It probably didn't help that my boyfriend was battling with a dead HDD all day long too, trying to retrieve his data; the both of us have been geeky today, haha.

    Still much, much to do regarding the vid, of course. This is only what I consider the "rough", a.k.a the basic editing/assembling of clips I wanted to make. It went faster than for my first AMV, considering that half of it, I had already done three years ago, but the hardest part is still ahead of me no matter what - polishing and refining it until I'm glad with the result, which is going to take some time, I'm sure.

    Anyway - going to stop after this export stuff, else I'll go to bed way too late for my own sake (and for a work day tomorrow). 
  • Footage woes 2005-05-01 11:11:51 Here's a good example of what a moron I can be...

    I found back my old projects, including the Angel's Egg one, thinking happily that I could resume it where I had left it. Unfortunately, upon toying with codecs and exporting, I realized that I screwed up with the footage when I got it, three years ago. I can't remember what I did, seems that I stored it as compressed data, rather than just extracting it and leaving as it was (my HDD by the time was much smaller, so it'd make sense that I tried to have it take less space?)... In any case, said footage isn't of as good a quality as I had thought. Put this on the count of my lack of experience perhaps, it doesn't make it less stupid, and since then, I've lost contact with the person who had lent me the DVD... I have no mean on getting it again, unless I get to buy it, that is (which is a bit hard currently).

    So... I'm still tempted to make the AMV no matter what, if only because I don't want to wait undefinitely until I can buy the DVD (I'm not going to go with some bootleg copy found off Ebay or whatever). I need the practice, I want to make it, and if really I get to extract better footage later on, then I'll update the vid, maybe even redo some bits (who knows how my ideas will have evolved). I'm pretty disappointed, to say the least, but on the other hand, I'm just too impatient...

    Well... I'll try to not mess up with the encoding once it's finished... it'll already be a somewhat more decent start, I think. 
  • Old memories 2005-04-30 12:31:35 I was browsing the forums earlier on, when suddenly I started to think of the *old* forums... the ones before PHPBB was used for them. Hell, I got to think back to the old site, in fact, when the Golden Donut was our promised if still very ethereal Shangri-La. Right now, I regret not having kept a copy of the threads I was involved in; even though I wouldn't be able to remember whom I had these discussions with, I remember a good deal of chatting about the Dead Sea scriptures, the Kabbalah, religion, as well as a few more "esoteric" topics. Ah, these were the days... I really, really wish I could recall these conversations better, for they were pretty interesting and rich in information... *sigh*

    On a sidenote, I've put my (pitiful) AMV site back online, and updated my profile with the correct link. Yeah, my "studio" was called Paradigma, and anyone can tell from my domain name now that it's a word/concept I've liked a lot for quite some time. The AMV site blows, though - I really wasn't very talented at web-design back then, and this frame system I used... aaugh. I'm feeling ashamed, now. It's just that I prefer a crappy website to no website at all, and with the various activites I'm involved in (including re-reading all the guides on this site in order to learn how to make a good vid again!), designing a new website is the least of my worries.

    Someday, though, it'll be done... Someday... 
  • Guess it's one step toward it 2005-04-29 14:16:52 M'kay, my vid is up again, thanks to this very website, that is. It's really a nice feature, being able to upload our vids here; had I had more money for this month, I'd have made a donation, because those who've made this possible sure as hel ldeserve it! I'll have to make one later on, even if it's not much.

    I also reinstalled my software, although I haven't toyed with exporting yet (where's my HuffYUV gone!), and retrieved all my old projects. I'm still so very tempted to finish this <i>Tenshi no Tamago</i> AMV I had in mind, especially that I was halfway through... it'd be a shame to leave it as it is! On the other hand, I should perhaps "start again" with something less... long? The song I had chosen is like 6 minutes long, and as much as I love it, it's pretty much discouraging all the same. Anyway - I'll decide this later. For the moment, I just wish to slowly dive back into all of this,, take my time if needed, and learn again all the tricks I had forgotten.

    Gosh. This is going to be one hell of a consuming activity, but hey, if I could devote entire afternoons to playing a MMORPG, I sure can throw a few hours here and there into AMV making. I won't be terribly productive; I just will do it because I enjoy it, and not because I "have to" or whatever other crap reason.

    In fact, I quite like this idea. Who knows when the development of such skills can prove a useful experience to me... :) 
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