JOURNAL: Kerydwenn (Yzabel )

  • The N00b 2005-04-27 08:48:15 Well, I've been browsing the site more in the past few days, looking at the "new" features (new for me, that is), the guides, etc... Gee, do I feel like a total newbie again! When I think of the experience I had started to build for myself three years ago, through trial & error, installing and testing encoders or extraction software... Right now, I just can't remember what exactly I had done; the encoders I used to have are probably very obsolete now, and I'm not even sure anymore of what they were! Oh, sure, if everything was still installed on my computer, I could probably track them... except that all of this went poof when my main HDD decided to die on me, end of 2003, and I couldn't save my system drive (I'm happy though that I could retrieve all my personal files, web pages, projects, drawings, and so on).

    I think I'll have to learn everything again, sooner or later. Whether I have much time to give to making vids or not, it's never a bad thing to go on practicing, and I've started to revise my judgment on all of this - a little practice here and there is always better than nothing, right? In fact, I've realized that I've lied in my previous entry; I actually happened to work on a vid project, back in October/November 2003, with footage from the Anarchy Online MMORPG episodes that were released back in 2001. Really, I had just completely forgotten that this project of mine had ever existed. I'm not sure if I'd ever start working on it again, but at least it's something.

    Perhaps I should see if I can upload my completed vid (the only one so far, unfortunately). I feel like going on with my other projects no matter what, some day or another, so why not go on with these ideas that haven't died, eh? 
  • Coming back from the dead 2005-04-24 10:24:25 It's been such a long while that I haven't logged back in... pretty much 2.5 years, even slightly more than that. My, does time fly fast and without me even noticing it...!

    The way things have been in the past years, I really haven't had any time to put into videos, and when I say no time, I mean it. I got into my second year at the graphic-design school, and this meant more work. I spent some time playing MMORPGs because they were my interest of the moment, before giving up on them as they're, well, quite a waste of creative time. I passed my finals and got my diploma. I moved away from Strasbourg to go live in Lorraine, and then moved again, in the same area this time, yet in a house where we had to repair some walls and floors. I expressed my creativity in drawing and writing rather than in vids. I switched to vector art, which is a medium I absolutely LOVE, and I've spent long months practicing it through trial and error. I've also put my life in perspective, and went on a personal journey of healthy behaviors, in order to get fitter and thin again; I don't regret it the least bit, and I actually enjoy my new muscles, to say the truth.

    All of this said, I still pretty much like AMVs, and perhaps one day I'll get around to make a new one again (first of all, though, I'll put the one I've made back for download, if I can). It's not that I'm not interested in them... just that they take a long time to make and properly help me to develop my skills through practice, and currently, this is an amount of time I can't devote to them. I'm finally getting some recognition as an artist, through a few paid commissions, and while this isn't a lot yet, I want to make extra efforts for this to go on. Videos have hit the backburner in this - not forgotten, not abandoned, but clearly not a top priority on the list of things I want and need to do. If it's to work on one for five minutes here and there, it's not very enjoyable, on top of it - not for me, at least.

    I've been wanting to come back to this site for quite some time, and so I did today, now that I've finished working on a new vector piece and am in this relieved state of post-creation, simply wanting to relax and do something non work- or art-related. I was feeling very nostalgic, in a way, especially after yesterday, when a friend lent me his HDD which contained quite an amount of AMVs.

    I don't know what my future as a video maker will be. However, I'm going to try and comment on vids... post in the forums... offer critics, observation and advice, as long as I can't show anything of my own. Perhaps it's not very productive, yet I know that it'll at least be for the people who'll get the comments and critics. I hope that people still like getting some, that is! :) 
  • Hawaaa... 2002-07-16 14:04:11 So many things to do at work, and so little time... But even through X-press crashing every 5 minutes and Illustrator fucking sRGB profiles by keeping on separating them every time I wanted to insert a RGB image.. I've finally managed to finish this damn print test target in time! Yayh! I roxxor! Summon that Target, baby! *waves submachine gun and begins to compute nano-formula uploaded to deck* A-hummm... shouldn't have read the last reports about FixerCon, eh ^_^;

    And today at last I could install 3D Studio MAX and ACTUALLY begin to work with it, which wasn't that an evidence given the amount of other work we had to do before... oh crap, here it is, talking 'bout work again. Sometimes it seems there's nothing else left. I've talked to my tutor this morning and his own ideas were clse to mine, if only going a little further - taking another person, nto to say two, to work with me, so that can slowly let the doc' go and truly do only graphic works. Last problem will be the Big Boss, and the company's funds of course, but if it can be done, I'll be very happy for them and for me ;)

    So now I just have to hope that the damn cold I've managed to catch *once again* will end up soon... I'm tired (in every sense of the word) to cough all night long and not sleep because of this. Does wonders for an ill person.

    Sometimes I wonder what I have... are my lungs really lungs, or bags full of crap???... 
  • Finally back into the swing of things... 2002-07-07 10:21:57 Yuck, after finals, IRL crap, crap at work, software's release to do in a hurry before big chief departs for holidays and the whole end of schoolyear crashing on me... I guess things will calm down for the next two months at last ^___^

    This whole site has changed a lot since my next visit... first time i was there again I thought I had typed the wrong URL LOL. I guess I'll need a few days to find my marks again.

    I'll have to thank Arfman once again for all the stuff he showed to me with VirtualDub. It's been way too long I haven't gone on with the next vid i was planning to make, but thanks to what I've learnt, I can at least hope to make a better quality one... ^_^

    Summer's great :) 
  • Kerystry of the day... 2002-05-24 13:42:22 Yeah, so today I got hit by the tramway when coming back home.

    I guess I'm the real only moron to cross the rails thinking that the tram has passed, so okay it's good I can go... and I don't notice that another tram is coming the other way...

    Neither me nor the bike are hurt, though.

    This's been such a confusing week... Continuous meetings at the company... Restructuration in internal communication... Everyday with its lot of personal meetings with everyone and such... My, I've never felt so mentally tired. Nor confused. I don't even know what I'm doing. Or why I'm doing it. And they expect me to work in a clearer way just right now? 'Tis not the day for this. I should've paid attention to the tram, but I just couldn't. My brain's not functioning properly anymore.

    TGIF is all that I can say.
    Thanks God, Choum's coming back tonight (dunno what time exactly yet) and it'll be so good to live with him again for the coming months. I've missed him so much. I have the feeling that when he's not here, I just... do bullshit. I just don't know what I'm doing, and I'm doing anything.

    Ando more job talk in the next two days, or I guess I'm gonna scream .
    And make the whole street pissed at me because of the noise. 
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