JOURNAL: Kerydwenn (Yzabel )

  • 7 hours meeting... THE PAIN!!! 2002-05-17 17:50:58 It all began at 10 am. We stopped at 1:30 pm for grabbing something to eat. Then back to the office at 2:15 pm, and end of the meeting at 5:30 pm.

    Interesting stuff was debated, but hell, it was AWFUL! The meetings room is already over heated, though we're not really in summer yet, it was hard to concentrate more than one hour in this... Then in the aternoon one of the hotliners digged out and old fresh-air blower (as there's no clim... -_-) but where I was seated... it kept on blowing air on my neck all the time, so I hope I won't be ill from this, unless I can make it pass for a "working accident" LOL

    Debating stuff useful to the company is good, but attention span after 1 hpur and a half becomes drastically shortened... And it always end up drifting on other matters than the day's subject...

    Of course I've done close to nought, work-speaking... But this time it's not my fault :p 
  • Oooooh my God.... 2002-05-16 15:17:44 35°C today in the main office in my company (=where I sit all day long working in open space with the other developers and web-designer). And we're only in May. And I don't even dare imagine what it'll be this summer, in the heart of July... Yuck. I'll melt on my chair before my holidays, I think.

    I hate my chair, btw. I'm so badly installed on it, I'm sure going to have some troubles with this before the end of the year. I can't work more than one hour without aving my arm and shoulder aching, and it's hell to find good position on this... They bought new chairs, which are even worse, than the former ones we had, and now I'm sure this comes from work and not from simply being in front of the PC using the mouse, because I don't have this problem at home.

    And one of my co-workers, who's also one of my best friends (I know her since I'm 15) always suffer headaches for months now, and still doesn't know why... She hasn't seen a doctor yet, but I hope it's not some bad disease... she had them before working with me, and if it was simply tiredness, it wouldn't have lasted for months...

    This company's cursed, it seems.

    Yuck. Too many bad things at the horizons, even if they don't happen... I don't like this at all :( 
  • I'm just an old nerd 2002-05-16 01:34:25 Woke up at 6 today when I only start working at 9... and first thing I do is turning on the comp and playing AO ^_^;

    Funny thing is...
    I had checked some of my e-mails accounts before. And playing music in Winamp like I usually do, with all the bunch of crap I've got in my playlist. And i forgot to sut it down when connecting to the game, not realizing the music was STILL playing.

    That's how I found my character running in the woods chasing after monsters with "Mamboleo" playing instead of the regular "fights" music. Scary LOL

    I decided to let it that way. Nothing better than a good laugh early in the morning :p 
  • Odd day... 2002-05-15 15:18:40 In some ways. Nothing really 'wrong' with it, but it just felt... odd.

    I talked to the girl in my class this morning, she said her b/f is getting better, but he's not out of problems yet, though the doctors say he's not endangered. he was hurt at the head and lungs, and usually this doesn't heal very fast. I hope for them things will be all right, but he'll sure need lots of time to get out of this. Yuck. It felt strange when the teacher told her jokingly she should sleep more at night, when we knew that she had been up almost every night at the hospital since Sunday. Of course he couldn't know... but it still was odd and disturbing.

    Amizadai, thanks for your concern. I was surprised, nobody here knows her after all... but it was kind from you. 
  • Tuesday's not *that* better, but... 2002-05-14 17:01:30 As usual when end of schoolyear comes...

    Classes are due to end in one month now, and it seems taht "all of a sudden" teachers don't have enough marks to calculate our average marks for the semester... and what does it mean? MORE HOMEWORK! Yeah, great. I could'nt dream better news. Only two days since the beginning of the week, and already three "surprise" works.

    Fortunately I was able to get rid of the Xpress stuff a few hours earlier, and to finish some of the Illustrator work. I have to print my storyboard this time, as part of teamwork, and I damn hope the rest of the team will have their work done by next tueasday cause I really don't have time to check on this this time.

    When things go askance it always seem to be several of them... I was to the post-office to have my DVDs and there they told me it had been sent in another post-office (not the one my street depends on). Wonder what they have in mind... The girl in my class told us this morning that her b/f was rather in a bad state, though not endangered now, but he'll need weeks to recover from his wounds. Not great news, for sure.

    It's high time end of June comes.

    I guess I'll have to bitch some more at my company too, so that they hire more people for the documentation job. I really CAN'T do all this stuff alone. I've been told that for each developer, 3-4 people were needed for maintaining the doc. Well there are four developers... hmmm.

    I miss CHOUM :(
    Longing for in two weeks, when he comes back home... 
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