Kerydwenn (Yzabel )
Monday evening...
2002-05-13 17:41:58
Hwaaa. Almost midnight. Listening to City Hunter OST 2. I guess it'll soon be time to shut the comp down...
I finished my storyboard, and some more homework I've learnt today I had to do for tomorrow. Actually I wasn't supposd to do them, because it was tram work and each of the four had his/her part to do but one of the girls called yesterday, saying her b/f got involved in a car crash and was at the hospital... she couldn't tell whether it was serious or not, so I suppose, if things are bad, she won'tcome tomorrow. Crap. This kind of things really makes you think how fragile life can be. I hope he's not too badly injured. It happened near my hometown, and people seem to drive more and more dangerously there year after year... dangerous places, also, especially when nearing the country... accidents are so easy there...
How does it come that those who are hurt are most often young people, AND who weren't in fault in the accident?
Ah, well. Mondays are crap. I hate Mondays.
I'm gonna go to bed.
Learning, learning...
2002-05-12 09:37:36
Must... stop... playing!
Must... gonna... work on my storyboard for advertisement classes!!
It's hard... but I'll do it!
Okay, yes, so that willbe my first attempt at a true storyboard... until then I only had anamyzed some at school... But what I find interesting is that since I've begun editing vids... I think it's easier, now, to "think" about a storyboard... how to place the different shots... the duration to give to each of them...
I'm learning new things every day! That's so great. I love it! :)
2002-05-12 05:22:40
Playing Anarchy Online *does* take a hell of a time.
I guess I should *never* have begun THIS on top of al the other things I'm already doing... Ummm... oh well. One month to go and it's sumer holidays. No homework to do when coming back from work. THis should free some more time so that I can team with Teknochoum again... ^_^
*wonders what it feels like when playing a Metaphysician*
*is waiting for enough money to buy new nano-cristals and emulate traders and metaphysicians*
I'm just another freak... :)
Ima... Yomikaeru?!
2002-05-11 07:47:56
Geez, what a crap.
Not only one chipset was dead, but two of them, bringing the whole motherboard with them... as well as the main processor.
250 Eurobucks for changing this. Fortunately I could find what I needed yesterday in town, but for sure this wasn't something I intended on buying now...
When I think only 2 days before I had thought about soon buying a more powerful processor. Surely mine had heard this and committed suicide ^_^;
What's the Chinese saying, again? "Never make wishes, in fear of a devil hearing them and making them come true"?...
A-hem... o_O
F*** off again !!!!
2002-05-09 16:50:32
Holy crap!
I was quietly playing Anarchy Online when my chipset... exploded!
Farewell, my beloved Duron 600... May you rest in peace in Chipsets' Paradise...
This of course gives me a good reason for buying an Athlon now, but hell!This really isn't the week for our PCs! And I can't do my homework now, until I can find a new chipset...
I'll be looking for one tomorrow... Hoping one's available...
This really is no luck... :(
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