JOURNAL: luna ^3^ (Luna )

  • Downloding a few 2005-01-13 00:08:39 this has been my 1st week ive been able to download amvs and I LOVE IT ive mostly been doing salor moon amvs as of late and there great there are so many!
    its insierd me to make an amv of my own and ive got all the clips i need and ive arranged them in microsoft movie maker but i cant figure out how to play the clips with the song i chose i looked in the sites how to guied and didnt see anything that could help me i looked in the microsoft movie help but it says nouting about adding music if anybody knows how to add the music to the clips and i dont know how to save it so it plays in windos meda player if anybody can tell me how to do this e mail me at or messige me on icq my number is
    239-414-493 so if you can help me give me a yell 
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