JOURNAL: carondelet (Caron Deleteleven)

  • BWAHAHAHAHAH... 2004-11-06 02:43:31 You poor people. Slapped together the little HP ditty and just premiered it. MUWAHAHAHAHAHA...a little precious pop punk Ginny grrrl thing. Hee.

    Time for sleep now. ~.~

  • Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... 2004-11-05 13:19:00 Those banner ads do not kid about sleep being option when building an AMV.

    Almost, almost, almost had the new Harry Potter fan vid going in the right direction. Just ran into "must sleep now to function around the idiots at work tomorrow morning" wall. Meh. Get some more captures, maybe a still or two, polish the sync, and it will be good to test. Whee....

    Might play with it in MovieMaker. Forgot I had the dang thing. So many programs, so little time.

    And I have yet to make a real anime music video. Soon. That political one. No, really, I'll start on it soon, honest. After the new HP... ^.^' 
  • Studio or Premiere? 2004-11-04 16:38:14 Or, Producer?

    So do I leave the ease and familiarity of Pinnacle Studio to play more with Adobe Premiere and / or RealProducer, or do I just do a quick and dirty on me new HP vid idea? Decisions, decisions. Work cannot end soon enough, lemme tell ya. ~glurg~ 
  • I Am An Idiot... =P~ 2004-11-04 16:35:27 But that has already been firmly established.

    Here, there, and everywhere.

    The latest evidence: BOY HOWDY, HAD A VID IDEA RIGHT FRELLING IN FRONT OF ME. Waving it's arms practically. Okay, more like hollering at me. ~thwacks own forehead with palm of hand~ Like, duh. Totally. Whatever. O.o Yeah, so, you poor people, it will be yet another Harry Potter fan vid. /shock horror/ Hmm, yes, I'm wrong in the head, I know, but, honestly, what can I do about it?

    Tee-hee. ^.^ 
  • I Hate Waiting 2004-11-04 16:18:28 Meh. I hate waiting. I want to use images from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in my current and in new vids and I have to wait until the 2bloody3rd. -_- I don't want to use any part of the trailer with the Great Big Honking WB Logo on it. I want a nice, clean, capture from the DVD. Legal, too, yeah, yeah, yeah, legal. I am a good little video maker, yes I am. ^.^'

    I should fiddle with the political piece in the meantime. Maybe do a total gag vid. Or both. =p~ Both might be good. And get around to uploading the vids locally so any interested parties are not at the mercy of the Briefcase. Sorry about that one. Cheap and easy, you know? 
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 07:09:59