JOURNAL: Braelin (John McMillan)

  • wtf?!... 2005-09-03 13:58:51 i really wish that the Org would make star raters public (though, i understand why they don't, still). i was at a 3.5 not more than 20 minutes ago, i refresh the page and some little punk with a stick up his ass manages to knock me down to a 2.89. i know, i know, it's not fair of me to say that considering that this is an open opinion website and everyone has just as much power as the next member to fuck someone over but GAH!... OH! i am so flippin' flippin', argh and a half... 
  • New Vid... 2005-09-02 10:13:57 Well, it's finally done! It took Katie and i almost 2 days to find a codec and compression pair that would keep it under 100 MB without sacrificing too much of the video.. It's more than likely due to the high reliance on effects within the first 2 and an half minutes. It's Furi Kuri with Elliott Smith, eat up and tell me what you think!... 
  • correction... 2005-08-29 08:07:31 it's spelled "Nihei", my bad... 
  • n00b? eh, maybe... 2005-08-28 12:14:18 i'm not sure if there is any real point in writing in this journal thingy, considering that the only person bound to read it lives with me. However, considering that this is a site for myself and it's denizens to show off their creations (and abominations) it may be a more pertinent matter to put out information or at least a museling or two. So, here goes...

    It's been a while since i submitted the "Small Crimes" video with Failure and Neon Genesis Evangelion. i can understand why it didn't take off considering NGE is highly overused on the 'org' and Failure is not very well known. Well, i'm now working on my second video with Furi Kuri (another of my favorite series) to "Can't Make a Sound" by Elliott Smith (for those of you who may not know who that is, he sang the "Needle In The Hay" song in the Royal Tenanbaums when Owen Wilson's brother was about to commit suicide, ironically, Elliott Smith took his own life somewhere in Europe during an album recording). Until this video is finished, my wife has got me into making banners galaore! i've noticed, though, that unlike many of my banner making counterparts, mine seem to have almost no coherent pattern connecting them to their creator. Whereas i can tell which banners Katie made simply by looking at them, mine have the predictability of a schizophrenic transient with Tourettes. It's good because i don't neccessarily like being predictable, it's bad because if i ever make any kind of elitist status then no one will be able to tell which one is mine. Of course, i don't neccessarily want to be an elitist either, so it's all good...

    In the meantime, i thought i'd throw an idea or two out there. There is a manga out called BLAME! by Tsutomu Nehei (my spelling is more than likely off) to which i've recently learned that there is now an anime for it. Being as such, there are members on the 'org' who have made AMV's using it's footage. However, of the two videos which i've downloaded, one seemed to only focus on rather tranquil footage and the other was entirely corrupted. Anyways, i was wondering if some troubled individual out there may try using the footage to something a bit darker and harder (i.e. "REV 22:20" by Puscifer with Maynard James Keenan, or the Danny Lohner remix of "Judith" by a Perfect Circle). If not, then i will do it myself once i get the footage, Nehei has a great vision... 
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