Zerophite (J. Anderson)
Fumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen. Pour myself a cup of ambition and yawn and stretch and my life is a mess and if I never make it home today, god bless.
2003-01-04 01:50:06
We, the American working population hate the fact that 8 hours a day is wasted on chasing the dream of someone that isn't us. We may not hate our jobs, but we hate jobs in general that don't have to do with fighting out own causes. We, the American working population hate the 9 to 5 day in and out, but we'd rather be supporting ourselves by being paid to perfect the pasttimes that we've harbored based soley on the fact that it makes us smile.
2003-01-04 01:16:09
My e-mail isn't working! >< but oh well, it better be up tomorrow or I'll start bitching at's the first problem thus far though, so I'm not all that mad :( but ...gah....oh well
2003-01-03 10:00:32
God, I hate swing shift because I can rarely talk to Nicole...I want to talk to her right now, but I can't...I miss her so much :( Now that our shifts conflict at work, I'm getting less time to talk to her...
And we begin again...
2003-01-02 11:54:00
The new year starts with so many objectives, it's a great feeling XD I can't wait to look back on this and see what I've accomplished...
2002-12-31 22:12:09
XD New video up!!!
It's the video I made for Nicole, she loved it, so I'm happy :):)
please though, I hope you enjoy it. Review it if you can ^^
Current server time: Jan 07, 2025 10:31:56