Zerophite (J. Anderson)
Nothing to fear, nothing to doubt...
2002-09-15 16:50:04
Let it be known, that on 9/15 at 4:00PM PST, Jesse will be starting his next video...he will be under the influence of coffee, energy drinks, and many sugar substances to keep him alive through the night. There will be no sleep, there will be nothing, but straight video editing and possibly and online chat :P.
why am I announcing it like this? Because I'm psyched, really I am.
Note to everyone-
Check out David Violence's "Jega or Die"....or die.
2002-09-15 08:01:34
Through the warping, backwards rhythm and melody will unlie something very bizarre...very very bizarre....I'm almost afraid of what I'm going to do, but it will be good...I haven't felt this way about an idea for a long time.
ok, it's almost 4 computer is up
2002-09-15 06:51:31
like the title computer is's almost 4 am...I watched Spring and Chaos again...I have Spirited Away on hand...going to watch tomorrow...
2002-09-13 00:35:30
So I went to put gas in my car this morning at 6:00 AM - I walk in -
Store clerk: Wow, those are some big headphones.
Me: Yeah, I'm into creating music, I need them to listen to it as well.
SC: WOW! You have a tiny CD Player.
Me: Yes, I like it.
SC: What type of music do you listen to?
Me: Many types.
SC: You don't listen to that techno garbage do you?
Me: .........::tries to kill her with mind...failing..::
SC: I'm sorry. I'm into many kinds of music, what are you listening to?
Me: It's a genre called Intelligent Dance Music.
SC: Oh! I love dance music...
Me: yes...10 on 8 please...
2002-09-13 00:27:33
Received FLCL today, finally....Synch-Point took that shiney alien probe out of their asses that was disallowing them to release the damn anime that I've been waiting so very long for.
In other news, my RAM won't be here til Monday....screw that, looks like I'm driving out there again. This time I'll come back with a new processor as well...screw it...I'll upgrade the last of that thing so I have a whole new computer...-_- I really didn't want to do that...I just wanted a new that so much to ask????
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 08:00:42