Zerophite (J. Anderson)
A good day...
2003-01-27 13:21:48
Yeah, you heard it. After I went to Dan's house, we both went searching online for the ones we want, that we qualify for.
Dan found one, and most importantly:
I hope to GOD I get this, it pays more, it's day shift, AND IT DOES INVOLVE CARDBOARD BOXES! It's the position of "Senior Media Technician" at a local college in my area. Prereq's are: 1 year previous experience in Multimedia, fixing, setting up, tearing down, video equipment and lighting, troubleshooting computer and video problems, etc. etc. I have 2 years past experience, and I also have lots of certification in that area.
Applications are due on Feb. 7th...I have time. Not a lot, but still.
I hope I get this job, better hours, longer lunch, and most of all, it's something I like doing. :)
anyway....Pajama bottoms are comfy...why did I not have them before?!?!?
2003-01-24 11:09:09
Hey, haven't written in here in a couple days.
Updates -
Been working with Combustion 2 (going to get 2.1 here soon). It has a lot of the controls that 3DSMax has, but, unlike 3D modeling, I love editing video, so I dug this program quickly. It can do so much, and render so well. Not to mention, do all the text effects that took me hours, in one fast click of the mouse. It brings tears of joy :) Discreet rules.
Started my AWA9 project, some of you know what it is. I also started my NES Project and other projects...woo, starting the year off well XD
2003-01-20 02:03:46
2003-01-14 10:16:16
Radiohead's new CD is taken in the same style as "The Bends"...but darker...I'm going to buy it when it comes out in June...but I don't know...Scatterbrain is good, but .... ugh...I WANT MORE EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC ONLY A SMALL CULT WOULD LIKE!
Anyway, speaking of Radiohead. I'm working with 28 small files so far (and counting) and I've yet to capture the stills, but the video will be entirely comprised of I'l definitely going to need a god Aged Film owns really...
2003-01-13 14:50:41
Not submitting any videos this year to the Sakura Con, because all of my videos contain bumpers which are included in the songs intro these days....also...VHS...
Anyway, I started my AWA9 vid, and I'm using all AE for's like I'm learning to edit all over again ^^;;
Current server time: Jan 03, 2025 18:39:31