JOURNAL: LenWidleheyt (Linus Lindholm)

  • Tadaima! 2005-08-24 07:11:18 Yesssss, I'm finally back. My month of abstinence was rough, but worth it. I just barely made the exam, which is a huge load off my back. I actually got the result about a week ago, but with all the new students arriving, I've been busy all day long for the past two weeks. It's been a hell of a lot of fun, and the new class is small but promising. There are a few anime-freaks in there, and they seem to like the idea about starting a manga/anime club at the university, which I've been thinking about a lot the past year. It seems that finally there's a chance it might actually happen!

    On the downside (sort of), "Jerk It Out" didn't win anything at Anime Evolution. "Still Preoccupied..." got the two grand prizes (plus won its own category), which is perfectly fair. I've still only had the chance to see the runner-up in the Fun category. The winner isn't on the org yet. I can't wait to see the vid that beat mine... On the other hand, I'm kind of glad I didn't win. This way, I still have that reward to look forward to for some later video, which will hopefully be even better. Winning now might actually have lessened my motivation to continue to improve. So in the end, it's all good.

    Also, check out the "Not what they're really saying" forum for my latest twisted idea... 
  • Celibacy... 2005-07-14 09:15:14 OK, a man's gotta du what a man's gotta do. I hereby do solemnly vow that I will not be involved in the AMV community in any way whatsoever until I have passed the analysis exam. That means no creating, no planning, no watching, no reading the forums or even browsing the org, and as little semi-conscious dreaming as possible.

    This is the way it has to be. I know that if I started working seriously on the new project now, I would never pass that exam in a million years. But studying for it is so boring that when I do it I constantly find my thoughts drifting back to the much more rewarding and gratuitous activity of thinking through all my AMV ideas, scene for scene. So... one of the two has got to go. And my mind's made up.

    This also means that when I actually do pass the exam, (IF I've managed to keep my promise that long) I will most likely instantly lapse back into the wonderful world of AMV making and not do anything else for months.

    And another thing; as a reward to myself when I pass the exam, I will (1) buy a DVD player and the Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Box Set, and (2) go to Karamello with those of my friends who also passed it and have a "Corleone Eye"; A double Espresso, a plate of chocolate ice cream with coffee beans, and a dominican cigar. This ought to keep me motivated...

    So, this should be my last journal entry for a while. I gotta go now, Cardcaptor Sakura is just starting... 
  • Excel Saga Project #2 (Entry #1) 2005-07-13 15:47:42 Yesterday, I finally started taking the storyboard for my next project seriously. Like always, I don't want to give away the theme of the video or the song beforehand, but I can at least say that it will be a comedy/parody video with Excel Saga footage. Sort of an alternate closing theme for the show, if you will. It will also be a tribute to Mitsuishi Kotono, the seiyuu who does Excel's voice.

    I charted up the song, bar by bar, a couple of weeks ago and filled in the stuff I was already sure about. I'm using the same vertical kind of outline I used for project #1, i.e.:

    - Lyrics Notes go here
    - go
    - here

    ...which is really good for breaking the song down and get a visual concept of how much time there is to fill. But I also felt I needed something else to help get a better overview over the whole thing, so yesterday I drew a horizontal graph as well, this time using old-fashioned pencil and paper. A bit like sheet music, except all that shows is a single line divided into bars (of eight beats each). I could fit four lines of six bars each onto an A4 sheet of paper and still have enough room for notes. Anyway, this helped A LOT in getting a wider perspective of the video as a whole.

    The song is 50 bars long, and I have about 10 of them planned out exactly, with a good idea of what the rest will look like (like where to use lip-synch, and where to use masks, etc).

    Just so you know; this will be a very simple video, technically speaking (i.e. nothing like my last one). The reason I'm doing it is because I feel the basic idea is very very good. The concept does not really need any effects at all, maybe just some masks to get a couple of the crucial parts just right. So to sum up, it's back to the sketch board, back to comedy, and back to Excel Saga.

    Also, I started reviewing a bunch of ES episodes yesterday, and kept at it today after work. I'm actually liking it more and more, maybe because I'm beginning to understand the show better. I found the doujinshi "Daitenzin" (referred to in the beginning of the "Municipal Force Daitenzin" episode) a while back. Let me tell you, it really explains A LOT about Excel Saga... 
  • Wish List 2005-07-11 12:44:48 My wish list as of today:

    1. A DVD player
    2. Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Box Set
    3. Azumanga Daioh Box Set
    4. All the Battle Athletes DVD's (is there a box set?)
    5. A 5.1 surround sound system.

    With any luck, I might be able to check off the first two or even three by the end of the summer, all depending of how much work I'll get. 
  • Yesssss!! 2005-07-11 01:53:30 I just got my first worthy banner! W00t! 
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