JOURNAL: LenWidleheyt (Linus Lindholm)

  • Scrapped Princess again... 2005-07-06 16:15:04 Just finished Scrapped Princess... And now I'm depressed... I feel like I'll never get to see anything this good again... I've reached the very peak of anime experience... My life is over... Oh, well... 
  • @Sammy 2005-07-06 11:52:36 I've been reading Sammy's journal lately, and been somewhat amused by it. I don't know what his problem really is, but this last time I read it I realized that he actually has a point about one thing; someone really does need to "bash" some of the "omnipresent" videos on this site! I think it's just a healthy way of taking some of the greatest videos down from their pedestals and stop viewing them as THE best way to make a video in their respective genre. It indirectly opens the scene for new talents and tells people that a really great video does not have to - and maybe should not - look like Euphoria, or Tainted Donuts, or I.W.I.W.A.L.

    Still, I think Sammy's criticism could have been slightly more constructive. He wrote up four points about Euphoria that he disliked; here's my comments on them;

    4. I disagree. Whether the creator is pretentious or not does not affect the quality of the video.

    3. I mostly disagree, however, this point is very subjective. I love the use of effects of Euphoria, because even though there are A LOT of effects, they all match the music, so the overall effect works very well for me.

    2. I mostly agree. The clock wipe does look sub-standard compared to the rest of the video. With his skills, Koop could have thought of something different here.

    1. I agree, but this, again, does not have anything to do with the quality of the video. Euphoria is indeed talked about all the time and is on all the top lists. I can definitely see how that can annoy some people. Euphoria was made two years ago, and even though it's clearly made it into AMV history - whether we like it or not - it's time to move on.

    Also, there are other things one could say about this video. For one thing, it does not have a coherent storyline. When I showed it to one of my friends, his first reaction to it was, "the images didn't match with the lyrics! The song and the anime seemed to be about different things!" Now, the theme of Euphoria is dreaming, so there's probably not supposed to BE any perticular storyline in it, but so what? It would be very much possible to make a very effects-heavy video to a slow song and still have a plot of some kind hold it together. This is ONE of the challenges for AMV makers of the future; to make a video with a plot that is worthy to take Euphoria's place at the top. Or an action video that is worthy of the same. Or something completely different...

    My point is that the only way for Euphoria to stay at the top would be if everyone around the world stopped making AMV's right now. 
  • Scrapped Princess 2005-07-05 16:08:50 Just finished Episode 21 of Scrapped Princess. Only three to go. If I didn't have to go to work in the morning, I'd probably have stayed up and finished them as well. Well, it's better this way; it means it'll last longer. I love that series. It's the first time I've watched it, and I haven't seen anything this genuinely good in the fantasy-sci-fi genre since I first saw Evangelion or Tenchi Muyo OVA (the first animes I watched). It's pure joy. I'd like to stay up and ramble about it some more, but I need to go to sleep now.

    One last note; if you decide to watch Scrapped Princess, and you find it's not your cup of tea, give it at least until the end of the first season. That's when things start happening... 
  • More good times 2005-06-28 20:17:16 The decadence has continued for two more nights, making a total of four, with one more to go before Kaiser Joel returns to his homeland. In those two nights we got through:

    -The last six eps of Boogiepop Phantom
    -Four Futurama eps
    -One Dilbert ep
    -One episode of the old batman series
    -One more hour of Parasite Eve

    -Plus the last three eps of FLCL, earlier in the day, with another friend of mine.

    Boogiepop Phantom was really something... The most beautiful and challenging anime I've seen in a long time. I saw the first two episodes a long time ago, but all I remembered was the guy from ep 2 who ate the giant spiders... Which made me think this was just some freak show that indulged in creepiness. As it turned out, I couldn't have been more wrong. The series gets better and better after the first few episodes, and I was soon riveted to the screen for every second of it. The way the many different sub-stories in it are woven together, though reminiscent of "magnolia" and "Playing by Heart" is much more advanced than that, and much more beautiful and mysterious. It left me in complete awe and fascination. It felt really good to have more or less stumbled upon such a great show, because it's been a long time since I saw anything that good. I recommend it to everyone, especially people fascinated by movies like "Memento" and "Vanilla Sky." 
  • Gooooood tiiiiiiiimes...... 2005-06-27 07:32:14 Ahhhhh, natsu da yo ne!

    For two nights in a row, I've been sitting at a friends house, watching anime and movies and playing video games. This is what summer is all about... Here's what we've gotten through so far:

    -First six episodes of Boogiepop Phantom (great stuff!)
    -The Emperor's New Groove (awesome... Like one long AMV)
    -Some short films from Ghibli with really unique and peculiar animation
    -First two episodes of Futurama
    -First hour or two of Parasite Eve (PSX)

    We'll probably continue the orgy tonight. We're definitely watching more Boogiepop, will try to finish the series (12 eps) before he (Kaiser Joel, the host and owner of the collector's box) goes home for the summer on Thursday. After that, I'll pretty much be the only person left in town, since everyone's gone home for the summer. Which means, Tales of Destiny II and Scrapped Princess. 
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