JOURNAL: Froilan (Danielle Frick)

  • Everyone 2006-10-20 03:35:33 Hmm.. I have been a bit slow writing journal these days. Not that it matter, it just feels weird..

    Alot has happened since I wrote the last time. Since my friend had her 17th birthday the 4th of October and since mine is now the 22th, me and my friend rented a house to have a party here in Helsingborg. It started out well.. but later that night the police had to come and tell some people off. They were about 30 guys who wanted to get inside of the house and ruin everything. It was crazy! Haha.. but I had fun other than that ^^

    Hm.. school is getting harder and harder for each day. I dont think Iīm gonna make it any longer. Haha, sounds like a death sentence or something, but it is really getting tiring..

    I saw V for Vendetta yesterday. If anyone understands that movie, please explain it to me O.o

    Gotta go.. Have a class in a few minutes. I hope everyone is okay!  
  • Mxfire 2006-10-04 10:22:41 Mxfire - Ohh, itīs spring? I love the spring. Itīs dry? O.o Isnīt it raining alot? Or well, I guess itīs pretty hot down there. Heh, "Down under". Yeaah, I remember that.. man, I really felt for you. I have a dog and two cats, and they are like family members to me.. I dont know what I would do if weīd had to give them away.. I bet it was painful..

    The crows? Thats those black birds right? Haha, whatīs so funny about them? I think theyīre scary O.o hahah.

    Yeah, Iīm sure the agencies take care of that, but my sisterīs friendīs -friend got to a really bad family and had to move back home after just a few weeks.. that wouldīve been terrible, but I guess that doesnīt happen too aoften.

    Haha, yeah, she appreciated it alot. We put pictures up on the whole school, so by now almost everyone on her school know itīs her birthday. We took a bunch of ballons and stuck to her head, so she was pretty hard to miss ^^ That was pretty fun.

    In Sweden right now it is turning to fall. In June, July and August itīs summer, and in September it is suppose to start raining and get a bit colder, but the summer kinda stuck to, so itīs getting a little more "autumn like" right now. In December the first snow falls.. man, I dont even want to think about it. Well, itīs cosy with snow, and I like it alot, so I shouldnīt complain. Does it ever snow in Australia?

    The dedication was pretty important to understand the video I think ^^ The song kinda sticks to that theme, so.. heh, I kinda like it ^^

    Take care now! Laters :D 
  • Mxfire, Quince 2006-10-04 04:24:06 Mxfire - Thank you so much for your, as always, awesome opinion ^^ I appreciate it alot!

    Man, thatīs a cute nickname for the cat. So you dont have any pets yourself? Yeah, I know, itīs pretty great to be here.. but I sometimes get a bit tired and just wants to go away for awhile. Iīve always thought about going AU-pair in the USA for a year or so.. but I guess I would get homesick xD And Iīm really too afraid that the family that Iīd have to live with wouldnīt treat me right.. that would suck.

    Quince - HAHA, yeah, I think so too! Itīs awful. Gotta eat though xD

    So.. do you actually live at your school or something? So you dont live at home unless itīs a holiday or something? =O Correct me if Iīm wrong, but thatīs how I got it. Thatīd be so cool! I go by bus from home to school everyday. Itīs a pain. But when I graduate at my present school, I think Iīm gonna move a bit higher up in Sweden (Goteborg) and go to "college" there.

    Yeah, I know.. haha, the worst parts of flying (in my imagination) is the take off and the landing. Also, some "air-bumps" (those holes in the clouds or whatever that makes the plane shake) often show up in my nightmares. Sometimes, Iīve forgotten to put my seatbelt on, and while I am going through the aisle to get to the bathroom or something, one of those holes shows up and I get sucked down into the cabin where the drivers are. Thatīs awful! HAHA, man, I gotta try flying sometime, cause really, it doesnīt seem to be that bad.

    Hmm.. weīre gonna have gymclass next. Itīs my friends 17th birthday though, so Iīm gonna go to her school to surprise her with ballons, flyers with her name and photograph and.. ofcourse an terrible happy-birthday-song xD I hope sheīs gonna appreciate it.

    Anyway, gotta go down.. I hope you guys are doing good. ^^ Take care.

    PS: By the way, we talked about different weather climats and seasons (autumn, winter and such.. dont know what itīs called in english) and stuff in one of my classes.. what season do you guys have right now? Is it summer? :S

  • Quince, Mxfire 2006-10-01 12:50:59 Quince - HAHA, noo, I havenīt waited eight years for the vacation.. more likely 8 weeks xD But as far as I concern, thats pretty much the same xD Ooh, the food at home is always the best xD The food that we get in school is.. is.. un-describeable. Here in Sweden, the people in prison get better food (or at least more expensive) than we students do. Isnīt that horrible? Haha. Oh, Iīm happy you can go home to your kitties.. gah, I miss mine and I have just been gone for three days.

    Yeah, Iīm awfully afraid of flying a plane. Half of my nightmares contains airplanes in some way.. and I havenīt even seen one in real life.. or well, if the flying ones doesnīt count xD Really? O.o Well, everyone says Iīm a wuzz who doesnīt dare to ride a plane and says that it isnīt any different from going by bus or boat or car or whatever.. Well, since Iīve ALWAYS wanted to go to Korea I guess I have to sometime.. but somebodyīll have to knock me out first xD HAHAHA. Iīm impressed you dared O.o I hope Iīm gonna be as brave as you some day! xD What did you do in Italy? =O Iīve only drived through there on my way to Spain.

    Mxfire - Iīve never seen a kangaroo! Iīm so envious -.- I think I have seen a koala though :D That was so cool. As well as Zebras and cheetas (if itīs spelled that way) and such.. but that was on a drive-through Zoo in Denmark.. or if it was Spain xD I dont really remember.

    Living in Sweden does have itīs good sides. Since I live in Helsingborg, I only have an 20 minutes boat-ride over to Helsingör (a city in Denmark, if you didnīt know) and I dont really have to fly to get anywhere in Europe. As long as you get over to Denmark, Germany and all the other countries who kinda stick together is as close as car-distance. So I think Iīm gonna postpond my first flight a couple of years xD But Iīd love to see Australia, AND New Zeeland..

    Yeah I wanna see dolphins like that here in Sweden aswell! But I guess that was a life-time experience.. I dont think that has ever happened in Sweden before. Wild dolphins in Sweden.. thatīs huge!

    I hope you get your broadband installed soon :D I gotta download your guys videos too soon.. I cant wait :D

    Anyone who knows where Blitz are? O.o

    Iīm gonna join DA soon! Iīll give you guys a message when I do! =D

    So long in the meantime ;) 
  • Quince, Mxfire 2006-09-28 03:06:04 Quince - Yeah, itīs like that all the time! You can never seem to relax these days. An holiday is coming up for me though.. in about four weeks, but considering that I have been waiting for it in about eight, thats not a whole lot xD So yeah, Iīm doing fine ^^ Havenīt registered at DA yet, no, but I am going to. Got an good explanation from Mxfire, so that should do it. Iīm in school right now though, so dont have the time.. but when I have done all the exams that I have now, I will be able to do it ^^ Thanks alot for the tip, again!

    Mxfire - Yeah, I remember you saying that! Australia.. man, I have always wanted to go there. But Iīm too afraid of flying, so I probably never will.. do you get to see kangaroos and stuff there in the wild? =O That would be so awesome! A friend of mine who were on camp (Here in Sweden!) was out with the boat one day with his classmates and could actually see dolphins swimming wild in the ocean! IN SWEDEN! Thatīs SO major! You have no idea. We dont have that kind of animals there, so that really was huge. Iīm sad I wasnīt able to see it though...

    I gotta download you guysī videos this weekend. Iīm gonna be at my dads so I should have the time. I cant wait! =D 
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