JOURNAL: Froilan (Danielle Frick)

  • Quince, Mxfire, Blitz 2006-12-07 06:20:03 Noo, I know.. hmm.. thatīs too bad. This is the best place to upload I think ^^ Youtube is good too, but I dont like how the way the small display and awful quality destroys the video.. O_O'

    Mxfire, have you uploaded the vid somewhere else? :O Iīd really like to see it :D

    Blitz, are you alive? :O *chocked* thanks for the qp, and you dont have to op it, I havenīt even watched your latest videos. I hate my slow internet connection. 
  • Quince, Mxfire 2006-12-05 14:53:37 noo.. i know, but still :O Iīm gonna D/L them this weekend if I have the time. I prolly will though.. my dadīs laptop is available. Gonna make a video too. Non-anime though.. I think.

    Do you guys think itīs wrong to upload an non-anime video to, since itīs not allowed and all? Hmm.. just a thought.

    Have I ever told you that I love korean and japanese dramas? Itīs like drugs! Just finished watching my 9 th one and I cried my eyes out.. "1 litre of tears" (the dramas name that is). It really gets you thinking.. I think everyone who can should see it.

    Itīs gonna be christmas soon. I dont really feel like it.

    Leann Rimes - Where are you christmas?

    Quince - hmm.. that song seems familiar, but I cant put my finger on it. Think Iīm gonna D/L it and have a.. eh.. "look" ;) 
  • Quince, Mxfire 2006-12-02 18:38:59 IīM GONNA DOWNLOAD YOUR VIDEOS SOON! I know I promise alot but I AM! The next time I am at my dadīs computer (itīs been awhile and his internet connection sucks soo bad right now) I am definitely gonna download em!

  • mxfire 2006-11-29 16:21:15 Yeah I know! ^^ That was my main download site in the beginning.. but the quality is awful :/ and dadīs internet is really slow.. hmmm.. if only were less complicated. Thank you for the tip though Mxfire :D Iīm gonna try to download som FF8 footage at least and see how it looks.. dont think I have tried that yet ^_^

    Has anyone of you heard the song Iīm sorry by Dilba? Itīs not the song that I am going to work with, but it is awesome, and what I wanna know is if it is swedish or not :/

    hmm.. This is really unnecessary. Iīm just doing it to be a pain in the a** to my little brother.. he sits besides me and nags me about not getting the computer before he goes to bed. Nawww, he cant live without this thing.

    Gotta go. I hope you guys are doing good ^^ 
  • Quince 2006-11-29 09:58:13 No.. I dont :( In Sweden there is a day for it though "Tacksägelsedagen" (the-day-when-you-say-thank-you, kind of xD) but no one celebrates it.. guess I can make that a tradition of my own though ^_^

    Heey, I just found this AMAZING song which I really wanna make a video for.. I wanna have FF8, FF7 and FF9 in there too, the problem is though, that I cant rip it on my dads computer since it.. kind of hates me... Anyone who has it stored that can upload some clips for me? If the quality is decent that is....

    Sigh, three more weeks for the christmas holiday. I cant wait for this year to be over. 
Current server time: Jan 06, 2025 05:35:38