JOURNAL: Tormentor

  • Editing again/ Demons Within Releae 2006-03-26 09:03:49 OKay, sorry for the one before this...

    Almelo: Okay, I just started editing on my video for anicon2006 in Almelo yesterday. I made quite some progress, since the first 25secs are quite calm. My sources are okay so far and I have really fun editing again. I will have to watch out not to uise the really great scenes at simle passages, but I guess I sdhoul manage this. UNfortunately one of my sources doesn't work, so I will have to fix it, which reaslly pisses me of, since everything ought to be okay. There is no script error and the movie-part is complete as well. Thus I don't understand why premiere just uses the first 10secs of this movie-passage and declares them the whole source >.<. I will hav to have it finished until april the 20th in order to send it in in time....

    Another point that isn't that great is that I somehow caught a cold. I have no guess what the reasnon therefor may be. Well this really sucks.

    Hopefully will we be able to receive good reviews when we (finally) release DW.

    Okay, Some other points considering projects. I still have the data for another video I was working on, but this one will have to wait. I will have to see how much time I have after finishing the almelo video, I will have to build a video for connichi as well, but if I find the time too, I will finish the other one and release it before ^^. Furthermore was I asked yesterday, whether I wanted to participate in another mep. I won't give any details here, but if I find the time, I will participate there too.

    Okay guys, download DW when it is released, it is really worht it ^^. 
  • Editing again / Demona 2006-03-26 08:54:51  
  • Free ops 2006-03-18 04:28:45 Okay, lately I am giving ops quite often. Normally I have conditions for the videos I op, but if a video that is posted full-fills these conditions I op it. Normally it lasts me about a day for 2 detailed ops (750w), but still I op everyvideo as soon as I can. What about the others? About 1/3 of the guys that was offering free ops is still owing me mine. What is that? If I pick up a job I ought to do it properly and it lasts them days to write their 50w or so. It's really unfortunate that such a big amount of ppl here is not knowing how to do ones self-chosen job. I hope some of them will come to think of this... 
  • Aim and the like 2006-03-12 17:26:40 Well I just love this constructive evening talks. I chat almost every day with the people who are dear to me, over subjects that are important for the hail of the world, like philosophy and science. I shall now quote a passage now to demonstrate that.

    StolenSoul123: guess what
    Risrafel: you're pregnant?
    StolenSoul123: XD
    StolenSoul123: how did you know?
    Risrafel: Im the father, so I ought to know XD
    StolenSoul123: =-O
    Risrafel: *g*
    Risrafel: nah, just kidding, so what's up?
    StolenSoul123: nothing, you ruined my joke with a better one lol
    Risrafel: hehehe

    See? :P 
  • Free ops and personal progress 2006-03-09 14:49:14 Man this really sucks, one is waiting for the ops promised to one for endless time... I just can't understand these guys. When I give free ops, I usually tell the guys contacting me when they will have theirs, and I keep true to my deadlines.. nah whatever.

    Videos: Okay, I still am working on Remembrance and have really time-pressure now. I have a bit more than a month to finish 1 1/2 vids, a drivers license and like 6 class-tests... well if everything goes wrong, I will use Remembrance as almelo video, although I wanted to build soemthing completely differen :(. Hopefully everything will turn out fine as always... 
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 04:22:36