2006-03-03 13:18:57
Okay, I just picked up work on my new video again today. I am making quite some progress and might be finished during the next days. This one will be a dramatical instrumental amv. Furthermore will it be quite short (1:40 perhabs). Since I didn't put something out for some time I thought this would be a good chance to build a short video in order to show one's still alive. Another point is, that I want to prevent the viewers of DW to dl identity, the last vid I finished. I gave a lot of ops in the last time, hopefully someone will return one when this vid is finished...
2006-02-28 08:37:55
Fuck, what's that? Where are the cool videos like ntyfive˛ or Halos beneath us? There are some videos repeating all the time. At least were there some cathegories (like best rookie) where there were right nominations. Darius you got my vote. All this is just a great disappointment. Hopefully will there be some guys winning who earn it.
Almelo convention
2006-02-23 12:37:35
Okay I dismissed the Saikano concept due to time-pressure. Instead I am going to start building my video for Almelo. I found a nice song for this (2:22). I plan on using 2movies and one series for this one, but I have to watch the source first. Straight after that I will have to start my Connichi-video. I still have problems in capturing one source for the video I am planing to create for this convention. At least I have another conept if the original idea should fail due to the source-problems. I am looking forward to these conventios and hope to achieve something (at least on connichi) although the competition is really tough. Haven't been nominated for anything on the vcas, but I don't care too much, since I started being active just in September of the last year and my videos where a huge matter of taste.
Okay depending the MEP. I really am looking forward to what Rubyeye is about to build (His Bastard/Kamelot-video was one of the first I saw and it had quite an influence on me). Hopefully we find a method to prevent another extension and hopefully noone selse drops out. Has become quite difficult to find some back-ups, since there aren't that much guys out there willing/being able to edit Death-metal.
Okay, I am going to continue my work now. Hopefully there will be some good news soon...
Just one f... no-name
2006-02-13 09:05:10
Okay, today I received 2 ops from a guy who founded his acc in year 2003, hasn't done a single forum-post or banner, nor a video. This guy was so strange, he was telling me that I was a sick lonely bastard who had no sense in live and whose videos were shitty. This is so ridiculous and I am trying hard not to roll on floor laughing. I can't unerstand how someone can get that down. I mean, he gave me just one 6 as highest rating in both ops, and I don't think that's justified. But who cares? There are a lot of fuck-heads who have to pimp their ego, by trying to bully others.
Just out of interest, has anyone had something similiar?
2006-02-12 12:46:48
Oh my god... I think I was injust in the past. Since I am currently doing some op-exchanges and the like I had to get to know how low the average of the videos here can be. I received videos that were that bad that I had to give ops with an average of 4,5 or so. I would be grateful if some skilled guys would consider the opportunity I am offering here. Really it is no fun to write 900w for videos that just suck... Furthermore is that thing destroying my average given rapidly.
Other topic. Hopefully will Demons Within be finished soon. I am really looking forward to this. I hope we will receive some attention from the audience here. Well we have really good guys on board, so all you guys out there might take a look at it after the release.
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 07:05:55