Anime Jedi
Breaking down and freaking out...
2006-01-11 21:30:59
Today was a horrible day. By the end of it, I was ready to go into the meanest bar around and just pick a fight with one tough looking biker after another. I even found myself growling and snarling on my walk home, to myself of course. No one was harmed. lol
I just wish there wasn't so many people in Studio tonight. I really wanted to throw around a few stools. Don't worry. It's the most satisfying way to blow off some steam in the least destructive manner. And no stools ever get detroyed. They're quite the durable little suckers. ~_^
[sigh] At least tv and my computer are calming me down.
Great. Now I don't even feel like complaining anymore. I should really pace my calming downess. How am I able to write a good long Journal entry without being motivated anymore? lol -_-
Kevin (Anime Jedi)
2006-01-06 20:30:16
I guess it's about time I start on that entry all about my hopes for the year to come.
Take things in stride. You know. Keep a level head. Blah, blah, blah...
I think I mentionned this once before, but I haven't been feeling very good about myself lately. I'm not as happy a person as I use dto be. I'm as calm as I used ot be. And I'm not as fun as I used to be. Lots of things to work on in the new year.
Here's something I think everyone tells themselves once in awhile. I need to get more organized. Especially timewise. Like I was complaining the other day, I just keep finding more and more things to occupy my time with. And less and less time to do it all. Eventually I make myself frustrated with all the tasks I never even got around to touching.
Exercise. This has got to be the number 1 resolution on peoples lists every year, and it's pretty high on mine as well. To lose weight? Not exactly. But to give myself more energy during the day. Lately I've been sleeping 10 hours a day, only to mope (sp?) around. School starts up next week, and it's time to add a little spring to my step (isn't there some sort of sexual conotation mixed with that saying?). How will I get my exercise? DDR. Now that I have DDR for my GC, it works like a charm. Overall they game may be pretty easy, but it can be quite the challenge on the hardest modes. Now I just wish I had a back bar to lean against like the arcade version.
As for the actual year and how it will be played out. There's no way to predict that. I've got another semester of school to go through. Throughout that time I need to find a job downtown, this way I can spend the summer down here working to pay for school an the apartment itself. Pretty general stuff. As for thigns in the more immediate future, I have a shelving unit to make. I had wanted to make it before school started, but it seems with the shop closed, there's not much I can do. I also have a project to work on, due in a week. Hopefully this weekend will prove to be productful. I also have an exam to re-write. [sigh] This is what happens when you get senior students to monitor exams. They end up losing the papers of those who finish early. -_- So now I have to re-write it.
And last but not least, I need to enjoy the next 8 months. Why? These will me my last before I exit my teen years. 20... I am going to be twenty years old soon. [shivers] It's just plain too much to think about at this point in time. lol
Kevin (Anime Jedi)
Things are never as simple as they seem...
2005-12-28 07:15:25
I'm at my apartment. I have my new video card. I decided to give it a little test run... And of course, there's always something wrong. -_-
Drivers... Such annoying little things, aren't they? That, and system files that never seem to be available. Oy... But do not fear, at least I didn't spend all night on it. Nope, instead I watched Kill Bill vol 2. Decent movie. Probably a little slow for the hour of the day I watched it. Anyways, I haven't slept yet. I picked up my room, and moved stuff around. Then I tried for a while on the card, and gave up. I did some laundry and watched a movie. Now, I'm dead tired, but refuse to go to sleep so I can pick up some more and my day with my girlfriend can be perfect. lol
Now, I'm interested in restarting my work on the card... [sigh] Well, I guess when I want to do something, there's not much else I can do. ~_^
Kevin (Anime Jedi)
Floating in limbo...
2005-12-17 18:43:35
I'm home, yet I don't feel like I'm home...
It's a strange feeling. I'm at this point in my life where I'm in the middle of translation (for a lack of a better word). Toronto isn't exactly my home, but the house where I've grown up isn't really my home either... It's like I'm temporarily homeless.
I'm here for a few days, visiting and cleaning out my room. My dad's going to rent out the basement, and since my room is down there, it's time to get my stuff out. I'll move it out back to my old room, but it'll be my room/ the guest bedroom. This means giving away or throwing away all the stuff I don't want or need. And I have a lot of stuff.
The other thing is that my home downtown is a rented apartment. It's hard to consider that home when you know it's temporary. Not much else I can do though.
One last thing though, is that there's some pretty big news in my life. And it's not exactly very good. I haven't really told anyone yet, not even my girlfriend. I'll tell her soon though. I'll just wait for her exams to be over. The last thing I want to do is distrupt her life with my problems. lol
Kevin (Anime Jedi)
Exams, movies and death...
2005-12-15 15:36:46
Exams are over. It's about time. My exam period wasn't very long, but it was packed pretty tight. lol
Last night I saw Chronicles of Naria. I really liked it. My best description of how I felt? Really good movie, with a bunch of annoying parts. After watching it, I felt really opinionated and felt like I needed to share that with someone. I made the mistake of choosing my girlfriend. lol Since she's quite different from me, we disagreed on quite a few parts. But after a couple of cold remarks and snarls, we decided to agree to disagree. ~_^
What did I like and didn't like? [SPOILERS]
I loved the White Witch. Amazing! When we first saw her, she was beautiful, yet cold and evil to the core. Wow. Supposedly I hear she insisted on being blonde, just because everyone has the misconception that evil people need to have black hair. Good choice. The last fight scene? Very LotR, but it worked great. The children? I thought they were pretty good actors. They weren't made to look like the most beautiful people ever (except Peter, my girlfriend thought he was gorgeous). What didn't I like? The lines given to Lucy. She acted well, but she was given the worst lines and the worst was how to say them. Don't be at least a little bit scared of a mystical faun? Right... A stranger invites you to his house? Right... And of course she's the first one to forgive Edmund after he bertayed Thumnas (sp?). Also, I really disliked Liam Neeson as Aslam. Neeson is an amazing actor, but I just disliked his voice afor this role. One last thing, the ending. I refused to believe that not a single one of them remembered about the real world. This is where my girlfriend and I totally didn't see eye to eye. I just couldn't swallow that even when they were back inthe wardrob, they were saying thigns like "What's with the coats?" Are you telling me that they forgot all about home, their loving parents, the war? In my opinion, what you experience as a child always stays with you. Especially things like being with your mother and father. Of course, if I read the book and found out that Naria has some way of magically helping you forget about your more troublesome life, then that's exceptible. But my opinion is based on the film, so I wouldn't be ablt to comment on that. Overall though, I really enjoyed it. lol
On a much more sadening note...
I'm very sorry to hear about the tradgedy that has befallen your family OmniStrata.
I will of course send my prayers for Baby Angel Aguila.
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