JOURNAL: Anime Jedi

  • Tough few past weeks... 2006-11-25 09:32:07 I've been regaining my ability to stay up all night working on school stuff, which is handy because I've definitely been needing it. Last week I stayed up from Tuesday midnight to Friday midnight. It was brutal. This week I stayed up all Tuesday night again, and then all Thursday night. Luckily the sheer amount of projects I have left is dropping and there's really only one more week of this I have to endure. lol Then it's exams, and I can finally start taking it easy.

    Last night actually, after the all-nighter, I fell asleep around 5;00pm, basically got up this morning around 7:00am. Plenty of needed sleep. Right now I'm cleaning my apartment, then getting ready to head back to school to work on a couple of projects. It's funny though, I look outside right now, and it's so incredibly foggy. I mean, I can only see about 50m away! It really makes the big city feel a lot smaller.

    Last weekend, big events. PS3 and the Wii. I spent much of the weekend hanging out at the downtown core of Toronto at an even Best Buy was holding for the new systems. They set up this big tent to play each system, along with the Xbox 360. Playing the Wii was awesome. I played probably a total of an hour on Zelda throughout the three days, and "I'm lovin' it". I'm tempted to pick one up now, except for two problems. First generation hardware always has some bugs in it, and they're all sold out. I did however pick up Zelda, though I don't have a system to play it on. The case looks pretty though, I'll try my best to leave it sealed on my shelf until the day I can pick up the system. lol

    Kevin (Anime Jedi) 
  • A drug call asleep... 2006-11-06 03:48:03 There used to be a time in my life where sleep wasn't that much of a factor. I could stay up all night long whenever I wanted to. I used to go to sleep around 3:00am and still wake up by 6:00am. And this was only in high school. Once university started, I was able to keep the same trend, especially while working in Studio. All-nighters were common. Working in the architecture building till all hours of the night with other architecture students. But it wore me out. Even to the point where I missed a midterm because I had an hour to burn before class and accidently fell asleep in my room (residence). Or the time when I fell asleep during a quiz in class. I woke up when the time was up, and handed in a blank quiz with drool on it. Of course the funniest thing was that I still got 1 out of 5 thanks to my lack of grammatical errors. lol And with every year that passes, it just seems to be getting worse.

    I'm now in my third year of university, and I can sleep forever. Not only that, I can sleep whenever I want to, almost in a moments notice. Today I fell asleep at 6:00pm, and woke up to my girlfriend's phone call at 11:00pm. I had a feeling that I would end up falling back asleep after we talked, so she asked if I wanted a wakeup call around 2:00am, just incase. A very sweet gesture, especially with me knowing that she's always had trouble falling asleep, and that waking up in the middle of the night could keep her up till morning. lol I declined. But as you can see, I did fall back asleep. And only woke up about an hour ago (2:00am). It's just a bad combination. Falling asleep on a whim, and not being able to get out of bed. My body tried to wake me up. I wake up several times in a night, glancing at the clock thinking it's time to get up. Then all of a sudden I check again and it's been another hour, then another hour, then another hours... It becomes very frustrating.

    Maybe I'm just wearing myself thin. Maybe it's just a lack of will power. Maybe it's time to start drinking coffee. Maybe I need more exercise. Maybe I'm reading more into this than I should. And most likely it's a combination of everything. Whatever it is, I'm just getting tired of having to do my homework at 3:00am like I'm doing right now.

    Kevin (Anime Jedi) 
  • Same old, same old... 2006-10-24 20:11:43 Nothing really new to report. It's just project after project. And it's worse since it's difficult trying to arrange meetings when you have three different groups to get together with, and each one of your group members are in the same boat. I suppose it only makes sense though. This is third year University. No one would ever drop out if things just got easier.

    Sleep. I have been sleeping so much lately. It's so weird. I wake up everyday after about 5-6 hours of sleep, then go back to sleep for another 3 hours basically. It's really frustrating whenever I do finally get up, knowing that I could have gotten so much more done if I had only gotten out of bed the first time. I think I'm going to have to start getting more exercise. I find when I'm active (summer), I'm able to go with much less sleep.

    My website? Oy... I don't want to even think about it right now. Same thing with AMV reviews. I used to be able to at least make some time for it, but now there just never seems to be any way. Things just change... unfortunately.

    Kevin (Anime jedi) 
  • So much to do, so little motivation... 2006-10-02 22:49:58 It's odd how I always have the most motivation to do stuff when I have other things on the agenda first. It's like, whenever I actually have things that need to get done, almost anything seems more appealing. I remember one day where instead of doing homework, I did the dishes and then vacuumed. o_0 This morning I was all raring to get a jump on organizing all the anime pictures I've got on my computer, but now that I have the time, I have no drive.

    I have a strange feeling it's because it's night right now. I may have used to be a night owl, but I find when I don't get enough natural light, my mood just hits the floor. I get sluggish and all that junk. Of course, nothing's all that constant. I used to do some of my best work over night. I just don't get myself anymore. lol At 20, I'm just not as young and energetic as I used to be. -_-

    School's been getting a bit better though. Things are making a bit more sense, and I'm getting a grasp on the flow of time. I still have a zillion things to do, but I'm not as worried about it.

    Maybe I'll go to sleep early today. I should really get some work done before tomorrow, but I got up at 5:00am this morning (because I accidently fell asleep early last night) so I'm kinda zapped. Ya, I think that's what I'll do. There's no sense dragging out teh day if I'm not going to be able to do anything productive.

    Kevin (Anime Jedi) 
  • Expect the worst... 2006-09-12 12:29:13 ...and hope for the best.

    I like to use this as a philosophy every now and then because by having low expectations, it's usually pretty easy to be impressed. After my first week of classes, I predicted that this was going to be a pretty awful year. Every class was already handing out huge group assignments, all the classes that I thought would be fun had become Text heavy, my class sizes had decreased immensely due to people having to take more focussed courses and I couldn't get a grip on any school work because my girlfriend was visiting for the week. Now, when it came to my girlfriend, I was willing to let it slide since I loved having her here. It was awesome living together for a week. Though I felt bad for her since I still had school to go to, and she had to entertain herself someway. But we had a great week. Movies, dinners, and sleeping in (well, the one day that I didn't have early class). Anyways, it's now the second week, and things are looking up. I've found that I have a few more classes with all my old friends again. All my teachers seem to be pretty easy going too, other than the ones I had on my first days. lol Hopefully if I just take everything just as easy as I've always done, I'll be able to have another stress-free year. ~_^

    That being said though, in a couple of weeks, I have my Driving Test. This is for my G, a full lincence in Ontario, Canada. For those who don't know, we have a graduating licence system. Where a person first has a learner's permit (G1) only allowing them to drive with a fully licenced driver. Then a G2 where you can drive by yourself, but there is a Zero alcohol tolerance in place. Last is your G, which is a full licence. If you're really anxious, the whole thing could take you as little as two years. I'm in no rush though. But I would like to get it over with before the year is over. lol

    You know what I've noticed, almost all the people who I have in my Journal Buddies list don't write in their Journals anymore. I guess it's just one of those things you grow out of or something. lol I suppose even I don't write nearly as much as I once used to.

    Kevin (Anime Jedi) 
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