JOURNAL: Anime Jedi

  • A tough weekend lays ahead... 2006-03-11 01:49:26 I don't know why, but I haven't slept yet since yesterday night. You know, that entry about waking up at 11:00pm. I stayed up all night, and actually, now that I think about it, slept for 15 minutes in the morning. Just enough to make myself worry about missing class. I wasn't all that tired throughout the day, and here I am 24 hours later, feeling strong. I did how waiver around midnight but just as I was dozing off, my girlfriend called me to say goodnight. Talk about timing. Though since I was just dozing off, it caught in between stages and made me jump pretty high.

    I've gotten into a new anime. I've been slowly going through all the sets that I have and watching them. First it was FLCL, then Haibane Renmei. Now it's Please Twins. A friend of mine had seen it and said I should definitely check it out. Of course that was AFTER I had already bought it. I also have Please Teacher, which is a great series too, so I had high expectations with the next one. So far I've only seen the first DVD, but it's really good.

    There's an anime convention going on this weekend, but now I have a feeling that I won't be able to attend. It's the Toronto Anime Con, but I just have too much work for school. Plus, my girlfriend wants to come downtown and visit for Saturday night and Sunday. It's just a shame because this convention is so close, unlike Anime North which is by the airport. Now that I think about it, I still have to make a costume for Anime North. I guess that's what I get for agreeing to do an Evangelion theme with my friends. lol

    Kevin (Anime Jedi) 
  • +300 hours down the drain 2006-03-09 23:57:51 My Fire Emblem (GBA) game was reset some how. For anyone who's played the game, and the countless hours spent, you can probably feel my pain.

    The thing is, I don't know how it did it. Like seriously! Why?!?! I played it this morning for two hours. I was on Chapter 25 in Hard mode (which means I already had to beat the game on Normal). Then I went to Music class. Then I went and got some food. Then in my next class, I turned it on, and my only option was "New Game". I freaked out and turned it off. I turned it on again, and yup, this was no bad dream. All my save files were gone. Each spot was filled with the words "No Data". So I flipped out. I left class and went upstairs to studio, since my whole year was in the class I had just left. I preceded by throwing chairs, kicking desks, and pounding on my table asking "why?". Hard made had been taking me so long. And I can't even fathom playing it all again in Normal. Seriously, this has just ruined this entire week. Luckily one guy in my year understood my pain. Everyone else just said things like "Well, it's just a game." or "At least now you can spend this time on something more productive". Wrong answer! It's like deleting my hard drive. If that ever happened, I swear you'd be hearing something about it on the 11 o'clock news (which is why I bought my new 250 GB hard drive to backup EVERYTHING).

    You know what I feel like doing? Playing the game straight through until I'm back where I was. lol Now that would be insane.

    Toronto Anime Con. It's this weekend. I wonder if I should go or not. Sounds like it should be interesting. Anime North isn't until a little while. Well, it's just one of the many things that I have to think about.

    By the way, I fell asleep for 5 hours just now after talking to my girlfriend on the phone, so it's hard to pick up where I left off. lol I think I'll just end right here and call it a day.

    Kevin (Anime Jedi) 
  • It was time to dig deep... 2006-03-06 03:41:01 I did it. I scoured through what little money I had, and decided to blow much of it on a new hard drive. And when it comes to buying new stuff that I plan on using often, quality is usually pretty important, so I hope I did well. I bought a Western Digital 250 GB External Hard Drive. You know what, at the very least, it sure looks pretty standing up right with it's bright little power button. lol The things works pretty well so far. One problem though, it takes awhile to load large files on it. Anything up to 40 MB can be loaded up in seconds. But anything bigger, my computer tends to speed through the first third, then freezes. o_0 I know, weird. Not to worry though, after a minute or two, it gets back to work. Then freezes. After a bit more, it finally finishes the file strangely enough. So... it works. It just takes a while. I would be concerned, if it was for the fact that my room mate says he has the same problem with his External Hard Drive. I figure the problem is that these are huge files being copied through a USB connection, and it just can't handle it without some lag time. I mean, if I put anything big onto my USB Key, there's definitely some slow down. Either it that (the connection) or my computer is just too slow. It just gets annoying since it's so much faster when I make copies between my two internal hard drives. Oh well.

    This past weekend was kinda weird. I had no real energy, but still tried to stay up really late every night, in turn, making my mornings worse and worse. Today I only got out of bed around 2:00pm (that is of course after deciding to stay in bed after a conversation on the phone with my girlfriend around noon). So with that being said, I figured staying up all night tonight was the obvious choice.

    BIG NEWS! There was a triple homicide back in my hometown. To think, it happened at a house that I used to walk by everyday to go to school just a year and a half ago. In fact, my room mate said he actually talked to the woman (it was a mother and her two children who were killed) that very night, since she occasionally went to the bar that he works at. Now THAT, is freaky. Supposedly they caught the ex-husband racing North towards Barrie right after, so I have a feeling that he's a key suspect. Now it's my turn to tell my family to be safe (in contrast to all the times warn me whenever there's a murder in Toronto). lol

    Kevin (Anime Jedi) 
  • Keeping it cool... 2006-03-04 03:18:37 You know what, I feel strangely calm right now. There's nothing too stressful in my life right now. My big projects have mostly all been pushed back a week or two, giving me a bit of breathing room. I've basically accepted that I have to go home for the summer, so there's no sense brooding about that. And there's some new shows on tv that made for quite a pleasant surprise this evening (Fullmetal Alchemist and Shadow Raiders).

    Two things on my agenda though is to get a new harddrive and to buy a gift for my friend's 21st birthday. The harddrive is because of all this TV recording. My 80 GB harddrive filled up quickly. I'm thinking about getting an external 250 GB. I don't know about how other people feel about it, but computer stuff has gotten cheap. 0_0 I remember when I bought a brand new 40 GB harddrive, and it cost me around $150. Not for that same price, I could probably get my 250 GB external! Crazy times we live in.

    Speaking of my harddrive, I was deleting so much stuff from it this afternoon so I could record this evening shows. Lots of crap, but lots of great stuff too. I ended up finding a lot of great AMVs too. A whole bunch I've never even seen before. I must have just downloaded them, and never got around to watching them. I have to admit, I think it's time I write a few more opinions, and maybe even get back on that top 50 list. ~_^

    Kevin (Anime Jedi) 
  • The end of Spring Break... 2006-02-25 00:26:04 ...And the beginning of many things to come.

    Things have sure zipped by. And unfortunately with all the trouble I was having with this site, I haven't been able to keep much track of it. Though I still have my daily schedule keeper. Where most people write out what they plan to do, I keep track of what I've done (to a certain degree of precision). It's been a habit of mine since a project last year, and this will be my second year trying to keep up. I usually catch up ever few days, but when I get about a week behind, it become increasingly difficult trying to remember what I did every hour of the day. lol

    A job. Something I had hoped to find downtown, this way I could stay here all summer. But as things are right now, I'll be heading home to work. It really is a disappoitment after all the gloating I've been doing about staying here. But when it comes down to it, I guess I hadn't dolne enough work to deserve to stay down here.

    I've finally started watching some more anime. The series I'm hooked on is Haibane Renmei. I've had the whole collection for a few months now, but like most of my anime, never got around to watching it. It really is a pleasant series to watch, when you need relaxing that is. It looks like a piece of art. That is, the series has a wonderful sketched look and has awesome Earth coloured tones. My only disappointment is that it truly is very slow. Not just the pace, but the movements and everything. I feel like the series was on a budget or something, so it had no room for anything fast; a huge contrast from FLCL (a series I just finished watching a week ago). Comparing the two is like playing a video game that runs at 30 FPS, then one at 60 FPS. There isn't that much of a difference, but there's still something noticeable about the quality. Anyways, I'm done the first two DVDs, and will finish the last two sometime this weekend.

    Things are just zipping along. I keep glancing at my calendars on the wall, and thinking that I have plenty of time to finish my projects, but since Feb 27 & 28 are on a different sheet then Mar 1, 2 & 3, I keep thinking I have an extra week. Not true. This means I have a friend's birthday and a midterm at this end of the week! [sigh] This is so not good. Also my essay in my elective is due the week after. Thinking you have three weeks is way different than actually only having 2 weeks. Talk about a brain tease.

    Speaking of my brain, the dumb thing hurts. I fell asleep this afternoon. Which during this break, has been a bad habit. I've been sleeping so much, and been taking so many naps. I don't know what's wrong with me. Hopefully I'll get some much needed energy by the time school comes around next week.

    Kevin (Anime Jedi) 
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