JOURNAL: mouthdruminninja (John )

  • Back-but not in action. 2005-09-01 14:12:51 Nin here

    Hello all. I'm back in college. Hope to get going on an AMV soon, if not-
    I plan to start the year out on the right foot. I know I owe several of you some opinions- and if I can't make an AMV expect a few OPs dotted around the community. Take care all, and peace.

    Nin out 
  • If you give an editor a cookie, he/she will want a glass of milk.... 2005-06-05 18:49:07 Ohayou ^.^

    Nin here,

    Good to be back. College is done for the year, and I've joined the army
    of the "working stiffs." I have a job in RETAIL. O.O .....hold me ._. <cries>

    So anywho, 'if you give an editor a cookie, he/she will want a glass of milk.' I'd just like to thank all the people who've actually downloaded my
    whopping collection of two, count em, two....AMVs. What was scaring me
    for a time is that my first vid is doing better than my most recent. (heh heh, yah...the "most recent" is kinda...over a month old ::cough:: )
    So....I've been working on another one, this should outshine the first two.
    Im rather pleased with it. Hope you all like it, Imma going to go take shower now, just got home from work an' I smell -.- and for any of you who are in southern Massachusetts, IT IS BURNING UP! GOTTA BE LIKE 85 degrees out there, pushing 90.... ::dies:: x_x  
  • ok....::huff::.....5....::huff:: to 10.....::huff:: more minutes....::huff::.... 2005-05-07 15:31:37 Nin again,

    Sorry about this second post guys an' dolls. I forgot about the
    5-10 minute delay on the upload. Just be a lil patient, and you should be getting a glimpse at a very 'Low cal' piece of eye candy soon....

    Take care,

  • FIN!!! It's done oh thank god ;_; 2005-05-07 15:20:39 Nin again,

    ALchemical Romance is done. Check it out. Could be fun :D
    Peace and take care.

  • Sooo.....close.... ::falls on face:: x____x 2005-04-27 17:09:28 Nin here ^ ^

    College has finally let up enough for me to do an amv! 15 secs. to go!
    Soooo....close.... ::falls on face:: x____x I hope to have it done by the end of the week. I think Im getting the hang of this >.<

    Peace ^.^ and take care!

Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 05:03:16