JOURNAL: OropherZero

  • =O 2008-06-02 08:18:24 Exam tomorrow on OpenGL programming. Wednesday morning - networking for ISPs and Small Businesses, next Tuesday = irrelevant computer maths and logic, Thursday = data structures, friday = get back into serious editting for AVCon and Manifest o/

  • =/ 2008-05-11 06:08:15 I've just realised that I joined quite a few MEPs and I should actually write them down somewhere so I don't forget.

    Let's see:
    End of Silence - beta 1 done
    Clow Collection 2 - haven't started
    Osaka's Christian metal one - Done a little bit
    Korean MEP - not sure whats happening with this one but haven't started =P
    Think there's a couple I'm forgetting...

    Mecha Mania has been dead for a while, I'm glad no one has bumped the thread because the only reason why I couldn't get it done before is because premiere pro kept crashing when trying to move the final lossless tracks around the timeline. I've fixed my CPU problem just recently so I'm ready to have another crack at getting it out when exams are finished.

    Then there's the solo AMVs =| Ef AMV progressing very slowly, not going to do any rotoscoping until I get the R2s otherwise I'd just be wasting time @_@ I have another AMV idea in the meantime while I get those dvds, I should be able to get it done within a day if I just go for it. But the thing is, after exams, I only have a 1 month break from uni, so I have to decide: make AMVs for upcoming conventions in Australia or work on a game for the GO3 Electronic Entertainment Expo nullabor competition. I might wait one more semester because I fully attempt my own game, still quite a bit to learn. 
  • !VCA PIMP 2008-02-11 06:59:40

    for best character profile, pretty plz? =O 
  • =/ 2008-01-27 05:02:20 why does my uni semester enrolment never run smoothly? =| 
  • @ Danielle 2007-11-29 01:35:51 I don't care? 
Current server time: Jan 26, 2025 20:44:10