JOURNAL: Lord Dave (Dave Doss)

  • Brilliant artistic creativity 2002-12-08 20:14:09 I've decided to make the first every manga video! Yes, I said manga as in still comic pictures.
    The idea came to me one cold november day, for no apparent reason. I'm going to experiment with Defy you by the offsprings and use the ranma manga, fan translated by New Ranma Project.

    Tell me your opinions. 
  • Finished... 2002-07-09 17:49:51 Ok, i'm done the video and i'm in the process of uploading it. It's not going to be very pretty to download it, but it won't be hard either. 
  • Err... ok 2002-06-16 21:03:49 Ok, I've spend the last few weeks sitting on my butt. Unfortunetly, I wasn't messing with the video at the time. I'm waiting for my DVD's to be returned. Then for insparation on the last verse of the song to hit me. 
Current server time: Jan 05, 2025 20:59:51