AEtherryan (Ryan Scott)
maybe i should try harder
2005-05-29 22:42:16
well it has been quite a while since i have done this and i must say that i am sorry, turn out i am getting married to slave 4 anime, who knew that in less tha half a year two people who met thru this site coud defy probability and crush statistics by getting togather and actualy being right for eachother and also tha we both relaized this and are taking complete advantage of it, well things are ok for me and getting a little rough on hewr as she is doing alot of planing and such, i realy hope she can enjoy the days to come, some times it is hard to still have this distace between us, i so badly desire to bethere with and for her all the thime, but it just goes to show that our relationship comes first out of all of this and that it is strong enought to weather out this one storm, and hopefully the ones to come, in a strange way i actualy look forward to our future trials and stuff,see we are so different it is like night and day, but we fit just like realy complicated puzzle pieces, unless you have experienced it it is almost impossible to understand, ok so soon enough i will leave all that i grew up with and know so well to be in a very different place where i have nothing , all i know i will have is the love of my woman and you know what for me i know that i can do almost anything if i have that, but oi am going to miss it all but not as much as i look forward to my new life with my loving, sweet, attentive , caring, cute, understanding , intelligent, worthy, humble, firm, fun, and not to mention she loves anime, wife, so if you ask me if my life could be better i could only tell you one thing that owuld make it better, and that is if she could have everyting go smoothly and enjoy it to its fullest, thanks for reading and much love to yall -the Prince
it's been a bit
2005-05-08 06:25:26
i know i should post here more but i o have my reasons, #! is slave 4 anime, no /# is anime its self and nuber three would be i am lazy . so i just saw another ep of negima ,it so rocked man i love these anime episodes they suprize me and i am able to got caugh up in them so i dont predict the outcome as i usaly do. any how im going to slave 4 anime's place again this time on buisness but as usual i mix pleasure and buisness after all i am there to baptize her yes baptize her , i have the authority to do so, and prety much anything else you can imagine except for marriges, so i get the honor of doing that and the pleasure of spending five nights with her, now if any of yall can tell me something better in your life that has come out of anime or amv in some way let me know, cuz i must have saved up all my luck for this to happen, oh and ive done the math and out of the whole world there are less than 90,000 women compatable with me and thats definatly less if you calculate in socio-economic standing and language aslo acsessability, goodness who knew we would be so right for each other yet so very rare. (sighs) hmm 6 dayd 6 more days to go and i can once again hold my girl. if yall only knew, well much love to yall ,-The Prince (one of my titles or knicknames)
i was bored today
2005-05-02 19:10:20
so i dont work mondays i was ored, and so i made some little home movies, and i happend to email em to slave 4 anime, i hope she enjoys them, ok im still bored i maty goto best buy and get me some more legit anime, (i dont directly support the chinese mafia or little orfan girls being slaves) but any how i done did post this and i may go dl some amvs and soon enough il make my own since il have enough footage
oh im hungry also i might could eat , hmm dont know some times it is fun not to do some thing that your body wants it shows it who is boss, no im not anorexic or balimic if you doubt me ask slave 4 anime she knows what im like,
yep she sure does, (stares off into space with memories)
ok im back, but do tell me how does one go from being an astronomer to being an astronaut?
i may eat a can of tuna, or go to sonic where my lil bro works and get som chicken strips, or go tou with my parents and eat some thing,
ok im dine here thanks and much love -The Prince AEther ryan-chan
ok um let me see
2005-05-01 20:39:52
so i am like all feeling alot of differeing emotions. many of which are conflicting, i am goind to visit slave 4 anime very soon again, hope fully this time it can be longer. i wish her parents would be more supportive, see she is converting to my religion not out of my desire or pressuer infact i have been not pushy at all about it, she is very independant which i like but now her people want more dependance or so it seems. hm wel as i have said before everthing has a price and if you want it pay for it. funny i just ate but now i am hungry. so hmm life is going pretty well no major complaints but as always il keep up my defences and keep an eye out for potential danger. much love - The Prince
wow yall !!
2005-04-27 03:46:52
ok so i have been just a little preoccupied, i guess you could say that i have had my hands full,if you havent guessed by now what i mean by all this i just got back tonight from slave 4 anime's place, i can tel yall that i had the time of my life, best birthday weekend ever, if i only could save some of that time i had with her and relive it, over and over oh i would so pay so much money, but i got my memories and i made sure to memorize a few things (chuckles) ok so im back and hope to post more consistantly. also i have foundout a few more animes which i must procure, ok so only one more piece of the puzzle to go and its all complete, its in her hand all she has got to do is fit it and we will be complete, thanks and love to yall ather ryan-chan -The Prince.
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