AEtherryan (Ryan Scott)
man funny how much time it takes
2005-04-15 07:51:08
that is when your in love , im thouroly enjoying it,i thought to my self today ok so i know love can beinfinate and one person should be like the #1 main object of it but what should a person do if they becaome th object of multiple persons love? i dont know exactly what id do , i know that id be honest and i would not lead anyone on but i would love that person still not in the way that i do the person i am in love with but i would still feel great with having a great relationship with others, oh that does remind me of one thing i dissliked growing u, when people would just drop all thier friends when they got a crush or something, not a good idea but as a good friend id still be there when things flopped,i now know why i never did such a thing, i always was honest with my self and others in relationships and so as i was not ready to be in such relationships i never became tangled into them, now i said tangled because relationships not builtl right dont work right and become a burden instead of a help,now this is one way to know if your truly in love, it will help you to do what is right and is not coercive, it wll not make you do anything but you will choose to do what you do and positive thigs will come out of it so take my advice i dare you, be honest with yourself and others especialy when it comes to relationships, bad ones are the worst thing you can ever have and good ones are the treasures of a life time an remeber rather short or forever being true to eachother and yourselves will make a big difference -The Prince <--- this is from a poetry contest in my honor nice hu girlfriends can be SO FREAKIN SWEET!!!!!!
feeling good
2005-04-07 02:31:42
i am doing just fine aint no thing to realy complain about and that is great, i have an awesome girlfriend , a nice job cool car and i found me a new anime series to watch so im doing just fine. from my short life experience i do know one thing that unless you choose to be happy it aint gunna happen you no matter the sucomstances wont be happy if you dont choose to be so i choose to and i am , now i must explian myself it aint easy but it is that im trying not to count down the days till i goto my girlfriends house and by now you all know who she is, and if you read her journal you know who i am but i do know she is counting down and pretty soon she will know the hours and prolly minuets as great how well we match up, we are so different that even on what we like that is the same we enjoy it for differing reasons. all i can realy say bout it al is nice nice nice and that is big cuz i used nice three times in a row.oh i got a kool hat for when i get my hair braided and no i aint black i am a white male i just happen to look good in braids, and no i aint trying to be something im not cuz doing that is so not how or who i am. oh here is a challege try to get to know me, i wont make it hard for you, ill even try my best to help you out to do so and if oyu manage on doing it, there will be big payoffs for accomplishing such a task. if you dont believe me ask slave 4 anime she is my girlfreind ask her she will let you know any how ok im done , much love to yall AEther(ryan-chan)
goodness i get so distracted
2005-04-04 00:38:17
and any of yall who have significant other know why, ok so i know some of yall read my stuff like like my girlfriends jouranl tho she has like over 1000 hits, too bad she is like uh umm well my girlfriend i dont mind sharing she is her own person and she so rocks if you know her but she tell me onl yI realy know her so enjoy what yall get from her,it is funny how much we all need each other to reach our greatest potential but at the same time we must not become too dependant on others. let us all become symbiotes not parasites,well tomorrow im gunna go buy some anime maybe talk to some girl buying to, oh and dont think that id just perfer to watch anime with chicks since i get all emotional ,its funny how that is id prolly cry before they week i get to teach the 14 yearold girls sundayschool class, my guess is they will enjoy it, i know i will , hey stop those dirty thoughts,i am a good man just ask slave 4 anime shel tell you allabout me infact she made a fan club bout me see her stuff to find out about it. much love enjoy
hmm emotion the biggest paradox
2005-04-01 03:55:12
emotion is awesome to me it has such heights and depths, yet to feel those heights or depths it makes the other emotions lesser. ive been doing alot of introspection lately , especialy on who i have become,and these past oh three years i have grown exponentaly, if yall knew me before, i was like blind,ok then back to emotion, i have been depressed before but i got out of it out of that downward cycle , emotional controll was the key to being able to fell and think clearly and make correct decisions, often the reason most of us fall is because of our timing, it is either too much too soon or to little to late. we need to know not to lie to other either thru our emotions or action , often we do so thru our affection or lack there of, also we need to learn to interperet clearly others action towards us. remeber it is the motivation behinfd the act or word which makes the difference, and education in this area is onre of the least taught in all the world so educate your self, seek out knowledge where you can and have the desire to use it. so go people i care bout yall and our collective future knowledge lies everywhere but is only good if used correctly so enjoy life, much love AEther(ryan-chan)
2005-03-28 02:56:39
i hate being bored its sad i work alot but when i do get time to my self things just arent as kool, wish i had some fresh anime to watch or like some hottie to spoon who was easily accesable oh well so much for wishfull thinking, hmm i wionder what kind of damage to the brain boredom has, oh if any of yall want to broaden you brains a bit see the documentary called "what the bleep do we realy know" i watched it to day and it gave me the facts behind things i had already observed for my self , oh and now i like so see my role in this universe a bit more clear, oh and if you desire to hold on to what ever you believe in, be careful with this filf the logic in it is impecable, but most of all it supports my major deal , you choose to be who and what you are day to day and what you do is your responsibility, oh no look out accountability no body wants to deal with that, ok enough of my ranting, im bored so i think il go uh meditate on some esoteric behavior patterns in my self and their coresponding emotional catalysts,
much love aether(ryan-chan)
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