AEtherryan (Ryan Scott)
hmmm what to say?
2005-02-04 02:25:25
i feel like writing a poem so plese understand that this will be fresh and straight form the heart with no forthought just flowing.
i put the pieces of you togather
you complete your self portrait using my eyes
togather we make a more perfect whole
our progression which lasts for eternity
not knowing but never fearing the next step with you will be the right one
touching paradise as we freely give of our selves never holding back
thanks for listening . oh yes this is to the one i will love , if you know who you are let me know! (laughs softly with a tear in eye)
look at that!
2005-02-02 04:07:33
hey yall do you ever wish that you could show off your inner self with some outside tactile thing? i do iwish i could show people the innerme with all the virtues ive been working on and at other times the flipside just to show them my potental for the eternities. i woul like sprout cool giant wingdeals or shoot off super-mega-ultra-hyper-doom-beamblasts with the little beam that spirals around the bigone just to let people know how nice i can be.
ah( smiles and chuckles) any how i hope that glimpse of my soul was fun it was for me to reflect on
much love!
2005-02-01 03:37:33
im on to my next series of anime it seems it will be DearS i hope it is funny and that it will contain somekind of story . oh yes i baught a gameboy ds to day and also mr. driller for it it is a sweet system and will have the type of games that i get that arent on pc which is my major gaming platform.
oh and i remembered my last dream . i had broken all of my fingers and toes it was a wierd dream i dont remeber much except for the suff about having to do things whith my messed up appendiges. Strange? not for a dream , i would guess on an interperatation but i dont remeber enough to do that so ill let yall
ate dinner with the family it was nice ive always enjoyed doing that but it has been far less frequent since ive been working nights.
sorry for not much to say and thnx for reading
much love to yall!
woah! its been a while
2005-01-30 04:07:28
i just finished watching Chobits and the end of episode 26 made my cry it was so sad to think that chi was going to leave just because it would make hideki sad when she couldnt do everything , yet she came back when she realized it would hurt more to be apart wow ! (breaths deeply and reflects on feelings) i must say chobits rocked my face off i loved it and i hope i can find more stuff on it.
you know i would actualy love to do a chobits cosplay (it would be my first cosplay , in fact im not even sure of the whole concept of it other than dressing up as an anime charicter and haveing a party or somthing) i could pull of being hideki i got the hieght im 6 ft and ive got the brown eyes my hair is natraly curly brown but i can conb it strait and ive also got the lenght of hair to hmm the
clothes wouldnt even be hard! cool well
thxs for reading and enjoy oh and if yall have any sugestions on anything especial anime to get let me know
love to all yall! (yall is on or two people all yall is 3 or more)
who knew?
2005-01-28 05:53:23
so ive gotten chobits and i plesantly suprized at how much i enjoy it i hope that yall enjoy it as much as i have. it is so much fun to watch charicters so deeply thought and felt out their actions become almost predictable to me just like real people yet it is still great to see thier story unfold i wonder if i can find other animes such as chobits.
sorry for not mutch ive been sick so i went to bed early i hope invader pink wrote in her journal as i do enjoy it
much love!
Current server time: Jan 07, 2025 18:11:52