Aneino_Kaijin (Jess Loder)
2007-05-12 12:23:30
The bulk of the heavy lifting for a video done in two days?
Insanity ensues.
So! The Diru MEP may be up day. I cannot wait. I want to seeeee.
2007-03-31 12:18:01
O.o One more download and I'll have gotten 100 downloads of my videos in one month. Wonder if I can make it before the end of the day. Hehehe.
Ah well. On to my search for good One Piece videos. REcommendations welcome
2007-03-05 15:41:54
GRRRRRRRRR!!!! ANIF 07 track is kicking my butt. and it's the simplest editing I've done in AGES. I think I just went about things wrong though. first, I think I woulda been better off letterboxing from the start. Second... strange white flickers are showing up. Wha? And I've been editing, then moving the timeline a little one way and the other to see how it'll look if the music's not quite synced or a LOT not synced, how much it'll affect how the video feels. That part, at least, I'm glad I'm doing because it'd gotten me to make a few changes. But still, I keep changing stuff, then changing it back, then changing...
2007-03-05 09:36:25
Maybe it's just the fact that my betas never give me anything remotely resembling helpful feedback, but this just pisses me off - that someone gave my video a 1 and said in a QC it's because they didn't like the song.
I mean, come on. It's not like the song used is a secret. It's right there on the page you download from. If you're going to dislike the video that much based on the song don't-friggin-download-it! And if you want to give the video itself a 1, fine, tell me why in a word or two. Lord knows there are enough problems with it, picking one wouldn't be THAT hard.
2007-03-04 11:04:03
Downloaded some great videos the last few days. Woot. Scott Green's newest, several from Radical Yue, The Princess Tutu "Hold me Now" video, A couple DEsert Punk ones (Riddlin Kids and Weird Al) One Piece Pirates and DRagonsong12's Yami No Matsuei video.
I love having a new rotatioon. Maybe now my sister will want to kill me less for always playing the same ones.
All recommended. All good. :)
Maybe something on my new video in the next few days. Need some distance so I can stop hating it.
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