JOURNAL: Anime_AJ (Eijie Ashiyama)

  • February Announcement 2022-02-13 21:00:23 Ahoy, productioneers! The official announcement of my first AMV of 2022 is here. Thanks for being so patient!

    We're officially in post-production, and the premiere has been decided for February 22, 2022. I will post the link for the video on that date, most likely after work.

    And just so you don't have to worry, considering my prior discussion about my 2022 Production season. The 2nd AMV of 2022 will be the new channel trailer and opening video for my live streams, and it will be coming in March!

    I hope you all look forward to my Rick and Morty AMV, and my upcoming projects this year. 
  • February Update 2022-02-04 15:07:51 It feels like the last two years have been one big blur. I can say that for the last ten years as well. I suppose 2020-2022 were more noticeable as such. Sometimes when I think about it, its like how February 2021 felt like February 2020. Like everything has been on (literal) pause for two years. We know its not, however. There is no going back in time. You can't go back, only forward. Or sideways, but never backwards.

    And so we naturally segue into today's topic for this entry. My next AMV!!!
    Okay, full disclosure, it IS an animated music video. In Japanese, in Japan, all animation is called anime. Ergo, blah blah blah!!! The Japanese view animation made in Japan and/or in America as anime. Its not and has never been a specific style.

    When you start seeing the bigger picture, it might make sense. Which only begins with you start putting the pieces of the puzzle together. I want to invite you all to go on an adventure with me. It doesn't matter how you feel about whether this animated show is Japanese or American, I think it tells a story and uses comedy and music in such a way that its like watching the same thing if it were from Japan. I'm talking about RICK AND MORTY, of course!

    I've been making hints and I made it no secret when I published the first minute and thirty seconds as a preview on my YouTube channel last November. This video has been on the same level as some of my other, equally described productions. This one I spent more time than I have with most of my AMVs. I really love this show and its characters, it hits home more directly than most other shows I've seen and yet there have been many anime that have resonated with me on an emotional level both directly or indirectly through the events or characters.

    I ain't much of a hype-man, but if animation is your preferred medium of entertainment and storytelling, and if you've never seen Rick And Morty, then I [highly] recommend this show as much as I would Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer. Think of this music video like all my others, to introduce something to those who've never seen it before. I hope it will inspire others to watch the show. There are 5 seasons currently, with more already ordered for Adult Swim! If you've already seen every episode of Rick And Morty, then I hope you can smell what I'm stepping in.

    Please check back approximately 7 days from this announcement for the official premiere. 
  • 2022 Productions 2022-01-12 15:44:55 Ahoy, productioneers! Thanks for tuning in to another update from Your Kaizoku-Oh!

    So, to kick things off, my next "AMV" was underway since (at least) November 2021 and was in-production since December. My next music video will be the first official entry of my 2022 Production season. I just have not chosen a set date for its premiere, as I decided to "take off" ever since last season ended with the premiere of [Thor in the Sky]. I stepped away from live streaming fully and have recently attempted some test with new content over on Youtube this month.

    Anyway, this next video is gonna have two versions, with the extended cut premiering exclusively on my Bitchute. If you've seen any of my preview vids, I hope you're looking forward to this production! The primary reason for this update is that said project has finally reached post-production phase. I just have to make final edits, confirm upload and any restrictions, then schedule its visibility! At which point the premiere date will be officially announced.

    This is what will likely happen afterwards. As I refocus the new changes I've been planning for my channel and determine a schedule for such debuts, new AMVs will also take longer. I do have a pipeline still flowing, so don't worry, it just means that any future videos will now take longer to create and upload. By the end of 2020, I had set it up so that I was two videos ahead and, through early 2021, I had established a schedule for my uploads. I should've slowed my pace with some of them. This year it may be one video every two months, or one video then two months later there'll be two videos.

    My project pipeline typically has 3 or 4 ideas started or resources are ready for use. This year I will be doing (at least) one live-action music video and one DBZ music video, so I will be taking extra time when editing those particular projects. Especially, as I slowly get back into live streaming. I also plan to eventually include a new channel trailer sometime this year and another special AMV project. By Summer 2022 the production season will become more clear like it did last year. 
  • HAPPY THOR'S DAY!!! 2021-12-02 19:08:14 Ahoy, productioneers! Today, once again, is Thor's Day!

    I was not able to make the premiere for Thanksgiving, so instead I delayed the premiere until today. Head on over to YouTube or BitChute to watch my newest music video, featuring the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Links pasted below...

    YT -
    BC - 
  • Official Video Announcement 2021-11-23 16:27:43 Ahoy, productioneers!

    If you're following me, or are browsing my profile after watching one of my AMVs, then its my pleasure to inform my dear readers that as of this entry, my next music video has been completed. As you might be aware, my last AMV was for FLCL earlier this month.

    Currently, the tentative premiere date is for Thursday the 25th. There will be no entry in my catalogue because it will NOT be featuring any anime. This will be my first live-action music video for 2021! My previous live-action project was [COUNTDOWN TO INFAMY] available only my YouTube and BitChute channels, featuring "Tora! Tora! Tora!" If you haven't seen it already, I would be excited if you were to watch that one. I'm looking forward to creating and sharing more live-action tributes.

    My next video will be put to "Thunder in the Sky" by Manowar, featuring Thor from the MCU!

    Target Premiere Date: Thor's Day, November 25, 2021

    Target Availability Date: Thor's Day, December 2, 2021

Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 03:15:04