RichLather (Jeff Tatarek)
Hi ho, hi ho....
2002-10-21 22:13:36
Must work before I can play.
Tonight I begin editing a wedding/reception video I did as a favor for some good firends of my parents. That's the primary reason I wasn't at AWA, for those of you with nothing better to do than recall the minutiae of previous journal entries.
...I mean, wow--30 hits since the last entry was posted, and most of those within a few minutes of it being made! :D
Once I get this finished I'll be free to begin noodling with AMV projects. I'd like to get a quick one finished, or at least partially complete, by the time November 1 rolls around. That's when the Disney DDR track selections are supposed to be made, and I'm in for one of the slots.
I hope to Gawd it's not "Macho Duck"!
Hello, Vienna calling.
2002-10-20 23:27:16
Updated my profile page to include the messenger proggies I use... I very rarely use ICQ anymore; I'm more likely to be on AIM.
So I'll construct this sound defense
2002-10-18 20:41:57
Just added a few ideas to my pot of things to put on the back burner. :)
I've got easily a half-dozen good, workable ideas for AMVs that haven't been done yet in any form on the .org database, save one.
My "super secret" project, which a few close people know about, -has- been attempted simply as a straight AMV, using a full version of the song. My plan is to use the TV edit of the same song.
I'm going to write the creator of the video I've seen, just in case our two videos should ever get screened together. They use the same music and source material, but the end results will be quite different.
OMGWTF1!!1? I am teh stunned.
2002-10-15 17:52:11
So the forums are down, eh? I have an idea that the 10-page campfire that took up residence in the General folder is to blame, and I have a feeling I know a couple of the people who might be viewed as a big enough loss to the .org to warrant shutting down the forums to everyone.
I will not name names, not because I think of these people as whiners or the sole reason for the shutdown, because I do not think that at all. I would prefer to keep it to myself, so that if there's any backstabbing emails sent around BY anyone TO anyone, I won't be a part of it. Mneh. I'd rather be browsing the Off Topic folder. :D
In other news, I've learned that my "secret project", or at least the music/source combo, has been picked up by someone else and I've seen the work-in-progress. It appears to be different enough to still allow me to do my own thing, but by the time it's finished I'm going to have to do a round of disclaimers both publicly and also to the creator of what I've seen. I have no claims of foul play; I simply consider it to be evidence of another creator's genius. Obviously. :D
AWA was fun? I hate you all.
2002-10-01 18:29:09
All I gotta say is that AWA 9 better be as much fun as this was, 'cos I really have to make an effort to attend in 2003.
Whassup with me? Three weeks ago was the 140th Antietam reenactment, which was a total circus full of scenario-busting twerps more interested in personal battlefield glory and burning gunpowder than portraying historical accuracy, as well a veritable ocean of canvas tents and modern intrusions. But still, you can't beat the sight of over 10,000 men in uniform on a single field.
This past weekend was the wedding in Birmingham. Good excuse to drink a lot for free, and was compensated for my videotaping the wedding with a $75 gift certificate to my wife's fave plant nursery. So that's a good bit of next year's landscaping right there. I -think- I heard some of the good times and partying from Atlanta, but it might've been the wind.
-This- weekend is the 140th Perryville reenactment in Kentucky. Not as large as Antietam (maybe 7,000 reenactors) but this time it's on the actual battleground instead of lended farm land. This will be a mega-event done right.
All this, of course, is keeping me from AMV work but the wedding video, dubbing down all the reenactment footage my wife shot, and so on will provide good practice until I can get back around to AMVs.
In other news: My wife isn't much of a video game player, but the ones she does like are either city-builders or RPGs with a minimum of combat. She really would like to get Morrowind, as she really enjoyed Daggerfall (even with all its warts and bugs) but I've learned that we have neither the RAM nor the graphics card power to make it run. Amazing. And here I thought we were being smart about getting the system we did last year (1.3Ghz, 128MB RAM, 60MB HD, DVD-ROM and CD-RW drives). So I think I'll get her Sierra's new city-builder, Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom.
My plan is to get the RAM cranked up to either 512MB or 1GB (our system's max), but that depends on the final price of the GEForce4 TI models I'm eyeing. I'd also like to get another HD for strictly AMV work. Thank heaven my birthday and Christmas are coming up. Maybe then we can also get broadband cable modem Internet access, and ditch the 56K modem I've come to loathe.
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