JOURNAL: RichLather (Jeff Tatarek)

  • AWA no AWA no AWA no AWA no AWA 2002-09-24 23:05:48 Yep, since most of the folks on my Buddy List have posted their pre-AWA comments about how they're so excited to go (except Quu, who I sympathize with) I guess I oughta throw in and say how bummed I am that I'm NOT going to AWA.

    This year AWA falls between two big 140th anniversary Civil War reenactments, Antietam and Perryville. I'm going to those since they're about the biggest events of the year (12,000 reenactors at Antietam, maybe 7,000 at Perryville).

    I -will- be in Birmingham AL that exact weeekend for a friend's wedding which is being held right next door to my parents' home, and I'm roped into videotaping it with my l33t new MiniDV camcorder.

    So that's why I can't go. But at least I can be there in spirit, as I've supplied the PowerPoint slates for the Opening Ceremonies, and also brewed up a batch of entrance themes for the guests (I'm particularly proud of Brett Weaver's).

    Right now, I don't plan on attending ACen next year either, as it's right smack in the middle of May sweeps, so vacation time in the TV station is a no-no. 
  • Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto, for doin' the job nobody wants to. 2002-09-10 16:23:40 I've gotten around to reworking some of my AMVs for optimized image and lowered filesize.

    I've gotten NanDub and TMPGEnc, but learned that NanDub only works with DivX 3.11--I have DivX 5 and am told it suxx0r comapred to 3.11. Dunno what to do with XviD as of yet, as trying to encode with it via Pinnacle Studio produces lots of nasty artifacts.

    So far TMPGEnc works very well; "Crush 'Em" has been reduced in size by 12MB and looks better. "In So Many Ways" is down by 8MB, but quality suffered a smidge. But then, it had the worst source material available of any on my videos to date. It's first in line to get a digital remaster when I get the Char's Counterattack DVD.

    Once I get NanDub up and working, then I'll experiment with DivX more.

    It will have to wait until after the weekend, as I'm headed to Antietam for the weekend to participate in the 140th anniversary reenactment. 
  • "What? Thou egg!" 2002-09-01 18:54:42 Anyone who reads the forums knows I'm on there pretty regularly.

    And after getting an email that basically called me out for coming across as a jaded, kiss-my-ass burnout to newbies, I've decided to temper myself.

    I will help the poor little n00bs as much as I can, pointing out relevant links. But I will razz them in literate terms, with as little malice as I can muster.

    Thus far, it's working, but today has been pretty taxing! I do admit that I'm going to have a bit of fun with this, so I don't get honestly bitter.

    I've already decided upon my next avatar, which I will probably implement when I hit either 200 or 250 posts. It'll be of Elrond from Fellowship of the Ring, from the scene where Merry and Pippin bust into the secret council meeting. Elrond' indignant, pissed look is exactly how I feel when the n00bs bust in and ask how to upload their stuff to, or how to rip video from Playstation discs, or how to make an AMV with no techincal knowledge in their atrophied brains. 
  • Ain't I a stinker? 2002-08-30 16:29:55 I just made a private journal entry with the projects I have in mind. including the wicked one I alluded to below.

    Tee hee. 
  • "I'm a loser baby, so why don't ya kill me..." 2002-08-28 15:32:36 I love how EK constantly claims that all her stuff sucks, since most of the stuff I've seen is genius. Even potty humor takes on highs never before witnessed by hoominkind.

    I guess if one always thinks it sucks--or at least publicly proclaims that it sucks--then if it -doesn't- suck it therefore seems better, and if it -should- happen to peg the suck-o-meter then it's no big letdown, and people know you knew it all along.

    Me, I prefer to be an arrogant, crusty old bastard.

    Oh, and no progress to report on any new AMV projects...Akira sits unmolested, as does Premiere until I can get AD's AviSynth package downloaded and installed.

    I did have a wicked little idea resurface, after watching what may be a new trend emerging: taking a show's opening credit sequence and reworking it. And the idea I have is definitely wicked, as I plan to use a TV series theme for a feature film--as if there were a series now based upon said movie, and the theme/style I have chosen to emulate -still- manages to tell the whole story of the movie through its lyrics!

    [wile.e]Sheer GENIUS![/wile.e]

    In fact, since it's a TV theme I may just dump out all of the Akira VOBs and whatnot and try to do this TV theme project. It's less than 2 minutes of music and involves learning how to do text overlays and layering in other bits of video. In short, if I can figure out how to do this I will be much better armed to compete with today's tech-happy wunderkinder. 
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